Thank you for using IP4DI. This readme explains the general structure and use of the package.
Folders 'ip4di_2d_GUI' and 'ip4di_3d_GUI' contain Marios Karaoulis' version of the code, which makes use of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Folder 'ip4di_2d_no-GUI_IGI' contains Francois Lavoue's version, which includes Image-Guided Inversion (IGI) based on Jieyi Zhou's work, and has been reshaped to be used without the GUI (no-GUI).
For details on the use of each version, please refer to the readme files in each directory. For details on the conditions of use of this package, please read the LICENSE file.
This package is maintained under Git version control. The 'master' branch is publicly available at https://github.com/mariosgeo/ipi4d. For details on the Git management of the package and how to contribute, see CONTRIBUTING.md.
Please feel free to contact the authors for any question, comment or suggestion.
The Authors, 15 October 2015.
Marios Karaoulis (marios.karaoulis@gmail.com)
Jieyi Zhou (jyzhou1990@gmail.com)
Francois Lavoue (francois.lavoue@ens-lyon.org)
Andre Revil (andre.revil@univ-smb.fr)
Last updated by F. Lavoue, 13 Feb. 2017