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Objects editing

valentin-gauthier-geosiris edited this page Mar 22, 2023 · 1 revision

Create objects

The Webstudio supports multiple version of every energyml packages. New objects can be created by clicking on the big blue '+' button.


The creation interface ask for the package and version, and also the object type. create-object

The package and object type can be chosen from expandable lists : create-object-pkg create-object-obj-type

Every newly created objects has prefilled Citation values. The default Citation.Title value is always "Empty". create-object-new-obj

Edit Object


To edit an object from the workspace, do a left click on the object in the workspace list panel. This will open a tab in the object view panel (left panel). Multiple objects can be edited at the same time edit-obj-tab

Save modifications

⚠️ Any not explicitly saved modification will be lost ⚠️

Any modification in the object view must be "commited" to the Webstudio backend by clicking on the Save button. To save multiple edited object at with one action, click on the File ➡️ Save all open element (see. save-all).

Object view


The object view is visualised in the UI as a tab in the left panel of the Webstudio interface. This view contains few actions :

  • Validate : launch the validation, only for the current object
  • Refresh : avoid not saved modification, and reload the object content from the Webstudio backend last saved version of this object
  • Json : open a new browser window with a Json representation of the object (using Gson package) ⚠️ not saved modifications will not be present in this representation ⚠️
  • Xml : open a new browser window with the serialized object in xml. This xml is generated the same way for the EPC export (see. export menu) ⚠️ not saved modifications will not be present in this representation ⚠️
  • Auto-correct : launch a content-fix process that for example correct DOR information (see. auto-correct DOR)
  • Save : Save every modification done in this vue. Any modification done in the object vue must be saved, or lost.

Objects attributes

Object vue contains up/down clickable arrows that close/open object tree vue. On the top, the double arrows allows to collapse/expand all attributes at any depth : edit-obj-tab-expanded

Some attributes may have a blue ❓ symbol. A click on this button will show the documentation for this element. Note : The documentation is taken from the model XSD file. edit-obj-tab-expanded

A blue square ➕ button can be present on the right of an attribute. This button allows to add sub attribute to the current one. edit-obj-tab-add-attribute

Here with a TriangulatedSetRepresentation object, we can for example add a TrianglePatch. Inside a TrianglePatch we can add a geometry. In Resqml the geometry can be created from multiple types. In such case, the Webstudio propose every possible types for this attribute : edit-obj-tab-add-attribute-multi-types

DOR creation

When a DOR is asked to be created, a specific interface is shown :


This view will show every linkable object from the workspace. In this interface, some values has been filtered automatically, depending on the attribute in which the DOR will be created. For example, an attribute "interpretedFeature" will only show "Features" elements. this operation allows to automatically fill DOR information such as Title, ContentType/QualifiedType.

Of course if you want to set a value not directly accessible from the interface, it is possible with the field "External reference", that will write the Uuid without verification nor automatic fields filling.


Some attributes in the object tree may be shown with a bold font. A left click on a bold element will open an interface (at the bottom of the object view) to edit the properties of this attribute. edit-obj-tab-expanded-properties

The interface contains special actions for some specific types.

  • Every date can be modified to "now", with a left click on the blue clock 🕥 :


  • Every Uuid (like in DOR) can be generated randomly (⚠️ if the field is empty) with a left click on the button representing a pen writting on a paper. And if the field contains a Uuid corresponding to an object present in the workspace, the eye 👁️ button will open a new object view tab of the target object.


  • Energyml model contains enumerations. The field that must have these specific values are shown as list, like the LineRole in PolylineSetRepresentation (Resqml) :


  • Some specific enumerations in the energyml model can be "extended". These enumerations are names "Ext" in XSD models. The Webstudio can handle this specificity with specific list vue. The "Ext" list contains a green option "(Add Element)". This option allows to enter any text value. Here is an example for Existence in PolylineSetRepresentation (Resqml version >= 2.2dev3)


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