Add this to your mc-rtc configuration yaml:
xmlModelPath: "<path_to_your_xml_model>"
pdGainsPath: "<path_to_your_pdgains>"
Assuming that you have mujoco installed under ${HOME}/.mujoco/mujoco200
$ git clone
$ cd mc_mujoco
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DMUJOCO_ROOT_DIR=$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco200
$ make
Then, to run the interface:
$ cd mc_mujoco/build/
$ ./src/mc_mujoco
By default, we assume your mujoco key is at ${MUJOCO_ROOT_DIR}/bin/mjkey.txt
if that is not the case you can set the environment variabe MUJOCO_KEY_PATH
to the path where your mjkey.txt