A Chrome extension for imdb.com that simply adds a easy to find anchor/link to the friends page
Today (April 2015), if you are a user in IMDB and you want to see your IMDB Friends, there is no easy/quick way. They just forgot to put a link in the main menu! ...so this extension simply adds a link/anchor in the menu.
I also posted the problem here: https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/the-friends-link-is-only-accesible-via-the-discussion-board-menu
This extension is available in Google Chromestore: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imdb-friends-link/ihnbokeofndighklfankoldjdldpffhl?hl=en
The code relies 100% on the UI of IMDB, so if IMDB decides to change their UI, the code may stop working. (And that's why the code is in GitHub, for you to fix it!)