gauge 0.6.0
New Features
- #467 - Show error on duplicate step implementation
- #440 - Add support to execute scenario by line number
Bug Fixes
- #475 - Content comes from skel folder even if a template exists
- #466 - Gauge process getting killed when editing a concept
- #464 - running gauge --docs m2h is giving an exception
- #460 - Validation error displays line number of a concept and name of a spec
- #459 - Parse errors of a concept is not getting listed when the consolidated errors is displayed
- #448 - Could not resolve table from table giving wrong line number
- #444 - Scenario with no steps is getting executed and shown as passed
- #427 - Concept with static parameter is not giving a parse error
- #418 - "gauge --failed" runs all specs from "specs/" subdirectory when
is empty in .gauge/failed.json
A big thanks to @maquessime for contributing to this release!