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forked from LeNPaul/Lagrange

A flavour of Lagrange theme for running a personal blog. This project is no longer actively maintained.


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⚠️ This project is no longer actively maintained. You can check the updates of the theme into my personal page repository.

Way of the Developer theme - A flavour of Lagrange

Build Status

Based on Lagrange, this is a minimalist Jekyll theme for running a personal blog. This flavour contains all original Lagrange features with some additional as:

  • Fork of Lagrange
    • Modern and minimal design
    • Responsive template for pages and posts
    • Google Analytics
    • 404 page
    • Sitemap
    • RSS feed
    • Pagination
    • Blogging functionality
      • Archive page
      • Discus comments
      • Related posts
      • Reading time
      • Author signature
      • Social sharing
  • Additional features
    • Algolia
    • Donation page (PayPal, Bitcoins)
    • Tags page
    • Categories page
    • Posts series
    • Improvements in related posts
    • More sharing options
    • Travis CI integration
    • Scripts
      • Add post
      • Add draft
      • Publish draft

Quick-Start guide

To start using this repository right away, fork the Way of the Developer repository on GitHub. From there, you can rename the repository to, where USERNAME is your GitHub username, and edit the _config.yml file to your liking. Ensure that you have a branch named gh-pages. Your website should be ready immediately at

Head over to the _posts directory to view all the posts that are currently on the website, and to see examples of what post files generally look like. You can simply just duplicate the template post and start adding your own content.

How to install it

For a full local installation, download your own copy and unzip it into its own directory. From there, open up your favorite command line tool, and enter jekyll serve. Your site should be up and run locally at http://localhost:4000. If you do not have installed jekyll command follow the next instructions:

Windows approach

  • Check Ruby installation in command line ruby --version. If you do not have Ruby then download and install it using RubyInstaller (in this case rubyinstaller-2.4.1-2-x64.exe was selected). In case that you already have Ruby, the output must be similar to:
ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x64-mingw32]
  • Install Bundler via command line (maybe you need to run as Administrator mode):
gem install bundler
  • Install Jekyll and all dependencies.
bundle install
  • Check Jekyll installation in command line jekyll --version, output must be similar to:
jekyll 3.5.2
  • Jekyll is already to use.

Ubuntu approach

  • Check Ruby installation in command line ruby --version. If you do not have Ruby you can follow this guide for installing Ruby on Ubuntu (remember choice the best setup based on Ubuntu version using lsb_release -a). In case that you already have Ruby, the output must be similar to:
ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x86_64-linux]
  • Install Bundler via command line:
gem install bundler
  • Install Jekyll and all dependencies.
bundle install
  • Check Jekyll installation in command line jekyll --version, output must be similar to:
jekyll 3.5.2
  • Jekyll is already to use.


You will find the blog posts in your _posts directory. Go ahead, edit and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works. If you already have a website built with Jekyll, simply copy over your posts.


To change site settings, edit the _config.yml file found in the root of your repository. Anything under 'Site Settings' can be tweaked to your liking.

If you are hosting your site on GitHub Pages, then committing a change to the _config.yml file will force a rebuild of your site with Jekyll. Any changes made should be viewable soon after. If you are hosting your site locally, then you must run jekyll serve again for the changes to take place.

In the _config.yml file, you'll be able to change the title of your site along with any tagline you want, which shows up in the site header, as well as the description of your site for SEO purposes. You can also change the social media information, and add your own social media icons.

Posting images

It is a really bad practice to include images inside the main code of the project. So, in orther to avoid that practice just read this useful article Posting Images on Github's Wiki. Basically you need to put your images under Wiki's project repository, after that the images will be accesible using this root<github-username>/<github-repository>. The file _data/settings.yml contains a property assets-img with the root path and whatever part you want to show an image, just put the resource like {{ }}/any_image_you_already_push_to_wiki.png.

Everything Else

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll's GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk.

User customization

Authors and social links

Your contact information edit in the _data/authors.yml (name, email, Twitter and GitHub, or whatever you need to include). Current listed fields are used in several parts during Jekyll building. If you don't have any, no problem, respective links will be broken 😅.

  name: <author-name>
  email: <author-email>
  envelope: <author-email>
  keybase: <author-keybase-username>
  github: <author-github-username>
  twitter: <author-twitter-username>
#  linkedin: <author-linkedin-username>
#  facebook: <author-facebook-username>
#  google-plus: <author-google-plus-community-username>
#  stack-overflow: <author-stackoverflow-username>

In the _data/settings.yml are listed the social links that you want to share. The list is matched with accounts' primary author using icon field, and if you do not have any social, just comment primary author account. On the other hand, the list is used both in menu and footer, you can hide any link in menu part using head: false field. Available social icons are powered by Font Awesome, so you can use any icon that they offer.

- {icon: 'github', link: '', head: true}
- {icon: 'twitter', link: '', head: false}
- {icon: 'linkedin', link: '', head: false}
- {icon: 'facebook', link: '', head: false}
- {icon: 'google-plus', link: '', head: false}
- {icon: 'stack-overflow', link: '', head: false}
- {icon: 'envelope', link: 'mailto:', head: true}

Settings about user accounts

In order to add the next information you are going to need a few suscriptions:

Account Function File Configuration
GitHub Edit page _data/settings.yml github-repository: <github-repository-name>
github-branch: <github-repository-branch>
Google Analytics Analytics _data/settings.yml google-tracking-id: <google-analytics-tracking-id>
Disqus Comments _data/settings.yml disqus:
  disqus-shortname: <disqus-site-shortname>
Algolia Indexing _config.yml algolia:
  application_id: <algolia-application-ip>
  index_name: <algolia-index-name>
Searching _data/settings.yml algolia-search: <algolia-search-api-key>
PayPal Donation _data/settings.yml donate-paypal: <paypal-donation-id>
Blockchain Donation _data/settings.yml donate-blockchain: <blockchain-payment-address>


Before to put your site into production, maybe you should complete the next list:

  • Remove post from _posts
  • Edit the _config.yml for: Algolia indexing, pagination and related posts settings.
  • Edit the _data/settings.yml for: Title/tagline, source code repository, accounts related and social links.
  • Describe in the purpose of your site.
  • Describe in how people can reach you.
  • Edit (at least for license signature).
  • Change all what you need.

Travis CI Integration

The file names .travis.yml contains a little Travis Ci pipeline. This pipeline executes: a) site indexation, b) site building and c) HTML validation.

language: ruby
cache: bundler
    - gh-pages
  - bundle exec jekyll algolia push
  - bundle exec jekyll build 
  - bundle exec htmlproofer ./_site --disable-external --empty-alt-ignore
 - 2.2.2

.travis.yml uses a Gemfile to install build dependencies. Don't worry it's already defined to this project.

If you need Travis CI, create/open your dashboard, configure a new repository, switch on Build pushes in settings and add an environment variable also in settings.


All push to your branch (e.g. gh-pages) Travis will catch them and then trigger pipeline for you.


You can generate a new draft file by running:

_scripts/newdraft.rb "Title of your post"

After pass all post reviews, you can promote your draft to post by running:

_scripts/publishdraft.rb _draft/

If you are going to write a coffee post, you can generate a new post by running:

_scripts/newpost.rb "Title of your post"


Copyright © 2018, Giovanni Farfán B. Released under the MIT License.


A flavour of Lagrange theme for running a personal blog. This project is no longer actively maintained.








No packages published


  • HTML 59.4%
  • CSS 36.2%
  • Ruby 4.4%