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Thrive is an ETL framework that runs single-row transformations on HDFS data and makes the data available in relational databases (Hive and Vertica).

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What is Thrive?

Thrive is an ETL framework that runs single-row transformations on HDFS data and makes the data available in relational databases (Hive and Vertica). This transformation is key for handling problems which require joining event data and relational data (e.g. user behavior from clickstream + transaction data). We hope that this architecture will be a useful blueprint for teams looking to build a similar pipeline for their own Hadoop cluster.

Why Thrive?

Thrive allows for separation of client code (which captures business logic specific to a given dataset) and framework code. This insulates the user from having to know which tech stack is being used to execute their transformation (e.g. Hadoop Streaming vs Spark Streaming). In addition, Thrive also provides:

  • Metadata management (will track / reprocess previous loads if resources unavailable)
  • Dashboards / Alerts to monitor the status of ETL process
  • Checking of transformation artifacts on sample data


  • Only state-less transformations (transforming a row does not depend on the values in any other row)
  • Transformation expressible in Python
  • Rows are delimited using newline character
  • Source data should be written to HDFS by Camus, or at least should follow the Camus directory naming convention. Under this naming convention, the directory names are follow the pattern d_[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{4}. For example, d_20170606-1630. This makes Thrive tightly coupled with the Kafka-Camus ecosystem.

Hadoop cluster with following components installed:

  • Camus
  • Oozie
  • Hive
  • Hadoop Streaming jars

Separate services (can be accessed from Hadoop cluster):

  • MySQL
  • Splunk (optional)
  • NewRelic (optional)
  • Vertica (optional)


This example shows how Thrive executes transformations on sample data. Here, data is only loaded to Hive (not Vertica) and does not run any additional monitoring or dashboarding via Splunk/NewRelic.

Prerequisites: Docker CLI should be installed.

Download the git repo, and navigate to the thrive/example folder. From here, run:


This should launch two Docker containers - one container running a MySQL instance (for metadata) and one which extends Cloudera's single node Hadoop container by installing the appropriate packages.

Once you see the prompt, from inside the docker container, run:


This will copy some sample data to HDFS, run the cleanup / prepare / setup / load phases of Thrive, and output the data from the resulting Hive table to the screen.

Using Thrive

  1. Ensure that your data is in the format specified in the Requirements section above (newline-delimited, in directories matching Camus naming conventions).
  2. Create a new dataset-specific config file in the config/ directory. You can copy the existing one and modify the following fields:
    • dataset_name: give it a sensible name (no spaces)
    • source_root: absolute path to root folder for source data in HDFS
    • nfs_root: absolute path to directory containing Thrive code on local filesystem
    • hive_db: name of Hive schema where output table will be written to
    • hdfs_user: username for account that will run Thrive code on Hadoop
    • hdfs_root: Root folder in HDFS where transformation files (mapper, DDL, workflow) will be written
    • webhdfs_root, namenode, jobtracker: change these values to point to correct paths for your Hadoop configuration
  3. Edit the environment config file to reflect your system's configuration:
    • dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpass, dbname: these should reflect your MySQL configuration
  4. Create a new folder in onboarding/ that will contain your transformation artifacts.
  5. Add files and hive_columns.csv to the folder you just created. You can use the ones in the example/ folder as a template. The transformation specified in (Python code) will be applied to each line in the data in your HDFS source folder. The column names / datatypes (separated by a single space) that will be output in your final table should be specified in hive_columns.csv.
  6. Run the cleanup, prepare, setup and load phases as described in the next section. After the load phase has completed, you should have the processed data available in Hive.

Thrive command-line API

The Thrive command-line API is summarized below:

Usage: python  --phase=[cleanup | setup | load | rollback | replay]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --phase=PHASE         [required] Specify the thrive workflow phase
                        [required] Path to dataset-specific config file
                        [required] Path to global environment config file
                        [only if phase=setup] Path to resources file
                        [only if phase=rollback] Path to partitions file
                        [only if phase=replay] Path to replaydirs file

During its lifecycle in Thrive, every onboarded dataset proceeds through multiple steps called 'phases'. The execution of each phase is managed by a single config file. An example config file can be found here. For a given dataset all phases share the same config file. The various phases are described below.

Execution of each phase is triggered by

python --phase=[cleanup | setup | load | replay | rollback]

The resources-file is needed only during the setup phase. Its creation and use is detailed in the 'Setup phase' section below. The partition_file is needed only during the rollback phase and its structure is described in the 'Rollback phase' secion below.

Cleanup phase

Cleanup phase is run once during initial load

Setting up a dataset requires creating files/directories on HDFS and local file system, databases/tables in Hive and Vertica and Before setting up a given dataset it needs to be ensured that the database and table names specified in the config file are all available. If a re-setup is needed, all previous dirs/files/dbs/tables should be nuked and fresh ones created. Performing this cleanup is the job of the cleanup phase. Cleanup phase is performed manually.

The 'cleanup' phase is triggered as

python --phase=cleanup 

Setup phase

Setup phase is run once during initial load

The responsibility of the 'setup' phase is to have everything setup for the 'load' phase. The things that need to be setup include:

  1. Unzipping the .zip artifact and placing the individual files on the local file system
  2. Generation of table-creation SQL for Hive and Vertica from columns.csv
  3. Execution of SQL generated in step 2
  4. Generation of Oozie XML file from template
  5. Place and workflow.xml into HDFS to be used in the load phase
  6. Assigning appropriate permissions to the files on local and Hadoop file systems for run-time users

The 'setup' phase is manually triggered, one time, during initial load as

python --phase=setup 

Load phase

Load phase is run during initial loading of historical data and then scheduled to run hourly

The execution of the 'load' phase needs the mappers, the Oozie workflow files, the Hive schema, and the Vertica schema created by the 'setup' phase previously. The 'load' phase execution instructs Thrive framework to update Hive and Vertica tables.
Concretely, the load phase performs the following steps:

  1. Fetch HDFS directories to process in this load
  2. Parse data in each of these directories
  3. Create directory for files containing the parser output data
  4. Create new Hive hourly partition and point it to data output directory
  5. Load the data in latest Hive partition to Vertica
  6. Assign access permissions to Hive and Vertica tables so users can query them
  7. Update MySQL metadata

The load phase is triggered manually, one time, to perform load of historical data. It is also scheduled to run periodically (currently at an hourly frequency).

The load phase is triggered as

python --phase=load 

Although the above command-line API specifies a direct means to run the Thrive 'load' phase, invoking the API directly may prove cumbersome because of the many parameters involved. Thrive has made it possible to invoke the 'load' phase using a single top-level script. Besides convenience, another important reason to invoke the 'load' phase through these scripts is that these scripts are the same ones that are run by the scheduler.

Monitor phase

Monitor phase generates dashboards and alerts, should be run after load phase

The monitor phase manages Splunk dashboards and email alerts that assist various stakeholders (Client, Ops, Thrive engineers) with seeing the status of each hourly load and informing them when corrective actions need to be taken. To manage these, it communicates with the Splunk server which stores the logs from each hourly load via Splunk's REST API. The dashboards give visibility into load status and record counts at various stages of the pipeline, both on an hourly basis for the last 24 hours and on a daily basis for the last 14 days. The alerts are scheduled to run at 0 minutes after every hour and notify the appropriate email list if the logs for that hour contain any of the predefined error messages.

Execution of the 'monitor' phase requires the email lists (emails.txt) created by the 'setup' phase previously. Concretely, the monitor phase performs the following steps:

  1. Clean up preexisting alerts and dashboards for this dataset, if any
  2. Substitute dataset-specific variables into an XML template
  3. Generate the dashboard from this template and grant appropriate permissions to users
  4. Setup email alerts for the different groups (from dataset-specific emails.txt and resources/internal_emails.txt)
  5. Create alerts and grant appropriate permissions to users

The monitor phase is triggered manually, one time, after initial load as

python --phase=monitor 

Rollback phase

Rollback is expensive to run and irreversible (know what you're doing)

Errors in the source data or incorrect parsing may require an occasional cleanup of parts of data from various sources. This process is known as rollback. Thrive supports rollbacks at the granularity of Hive partitions (which, by default, are hourly). To execute the rollback phase, one needs to supply a simple text file specifying the partitions to delete. Example lines from a partitions.txt file look like the following:


In other words, partitions.txt simply lists the partitions to remove. The partitions dont need to be in any order, be contiguous or even exist. If the partitions dont exist, they will be ignored.

Note that each instance of a Thrive load modifies the state of multiple resources (HDFS, Hive, MySQL, Vertica ...). A rollback operation must carefully clean up each of these resources.

Vertica cleanup is particularly expensive. Rows in Vertica have no mapping to the corresponding Hive partitions. As such, cleaning up Vertica rows corresponding to the requested Hive partition requires a copy of the Hive partition data to a temporary Vertica table, followed by a delete operation containing a subquery on this temp table. As such, rolling back numerous partitions, or large partitions is an expensive operation.

Rollback is also irreversible. The deleted Hive partitions and the corresponding parsed HDFS data are trashed. They cannot be recovered back. So the necessity and logistics of a rollback operation must be carefully planned. Typically we recommend presence of a client engineer during this operation.

The syntax for triggering the 'rollback' phase is as follows:

python --phase=rollback 

Replay phase

Replay phase is run to re-process any missing data

Multiple reasons can require an ingestion framework to re-process past data. For example, source can post incomplete data to HDFS. After the source process is fixed, Thrive would need to reprocess the data from specific date(s) to fill in the missing/incomplete data. This process is known as replay and is handled by the replay phase in Thrive. Thrive supports replays at the granularity of HDFS directories (which, by default, are created at 10 minute intervals). The replay phase, is executed in the following steps:

  1. Identify the folders which need to be reprocessed (i.e. a list containing folders in the d_yyyymmdd-HHMM format).

  2. Copy these folders a replaydirs.txt file. The folders in this list would be re-processed. For example the following Bash command takes creates a replaydirs.txt file containing all folders in August 2016

    hadoop fs -ls /data/ds_ctg/trinity/thrive_test/ |
    grep "d_201608" |
    sed -nE 's:^.*(d_[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{4})$:\1:p' \


  3. Run the replay phase to reprocess the identified directories:

    python --phase=replay --data-config=</path/to/data_config_file.cfg> --env-config=</path/to/env_config_file.cfg> --replay-dirs=<absolute/path/to/replaydirs.txt>


  1. If Thrive loads JSON data to Vertica, why doesn't it simply use Vertica Flex tables?
Multiple reasons:
  1.1 Data in input JSONs typically needs additional processing before loading (e.g.,
  splicing values in an array, 1 JSON to multiple rows etc).
  1.2 For production data, the virtual columns need to be promoted to real columns. 
  Without that the query performance suffers. However, real columns lead to duplicated
  data (data in original JSON and in the real column) and during the `COPY` command
  (which matches each key in input JSON to names of real columns). As a result, bulk
  `COPY` becomes slow.
  1.3 `fjsonparser()` is not modifiable. As a result you have to write `COPY UDFilter` to
  parse complex JSON. So you're not spared the work of writing parsers anyway.
  1.4 We're seeing increasing number of non-JSON dataset (XML, CSV) requests for Thrive.
  Vertica Flex tables cannot handle these.
  1.5 Flex tables cannot be partitioned on virtual columns.
  1.6 Rejected rows cannot be specified on `COPY`


Thrive risks and mitigation measures

  1. Risk: Dependency on and independent failures of external resources: Thrive essentially manages data flow between different external resources. In a typical load session, it connects to bash shell, MySQL server (for metadata), HDFS, Oozie, Hive and Vertica. Each of these resources can fail independently and completely outside of Thrive's control.

    Mitigation measures: Thrive is designed to exit gracefully and not leave these resources in an inconsistent state. Following are the risk mitigation measures. Thrive updates metadata only twice: (1) when the Hive load is successful and (2) when the load till Vertica is successful. That way, metadata is not left in an inconsistent or incomplete state when the loads fail mid-way. Thrive anticipates that Hive and Vertica can fail independently. During each load, Thrive checks for earliest Hive partitions that have yet not been loaded to Vertica. That way, each load tried to keep Hive and Vertica in sync, reducing need for manual intervention when Vertica fails. When primary resources such as MySQL, HDFS and Hive are unavailable, the data loads don't reach up to the Vertica stage. In these cases Thrive will exit gracefully with an error message that will be present in the alert email.

  2. Risk: Loads lasting over an hour and race conditions between consecutive loads: Jobs for Thrive are typically expected to be on an hourly schedule. Our load testing so far indicates that an hour is adequate for completing load of up to 25 to 50 million rows depending on the payload size. However, cluster slowdown or unexpectedly high data volumes (for example, during season peaks) can require more than an hour to complete load. In this case does the load for next hour trigger and overwrite the in-progress load for the previous hour? No.

    Mitigation measures: Thrive has implemented dataset locks to prevent race conditions between two instances of a load process for the same dataset. A load process for any given dataset needs to acquire a lock in order to proceed. Because of locks, a second load instance for the same dataset cannot be triggered either manually or via a scheduler.

  3. Risk: Dataset locked permanently due to a failed load: The dataset acquires a lock, starts a load, fails and exits without releasing the lock. Subsequent loads are not allowed to start.

    Mitigation measures: First, Thrive design prevents any load process from exiting without releasing the lock. However, this cannot be prevented entirely because a privileged kernel process can still send a kill signal and halt the Thrive process without allowing it to execute the exception code. In that case, the next load instance will increment the number of unsuccessful release attempts. Thrive can then force unlock after a configurable number of release attempts have been reached. What that number should be is under evaluation. Currently though, we're alerting for every unsuccessful lock acquire attempt. Currently, the dataset needs to be manually unlocked in Prod, while auto-unlock is enabled in Preprod after 3 failed release attempts.

  4. Risk: Unexpected data volumes: Thrive does not scale due to unexpected data volume

    Mitigation measures: Experience teams were instructed to test data load at 150% to 200% of anticipated peak volume. So the datasets with high expected data volumes have been stress tested. For example FDS transactions datasets has been tested with up to 77 million rows per load.

  5. Risk: Missing data in Hive to Vertica load (unequal row counts): Rows in Hive rejected by Vertica resulting in unequal row counts. Relational databases are strict about requiring the exact datatype expected by the schema. For example if the schema specifies an INT then a 1 received as 1.0 might be rejected.

    Mitigation measures: (1) Thrive engineering and the client team will receive an email alert with the percentage data loss. (2) The missing row data with an exception (reason for rejection) will be placed in a separate Vertica table accessible to the clients. For their debugging, client teams should use this as the first checkpoint when experiencing data loss from Hive to Vertica.

  6. Risk: Missing data in HDFS to Hive load (data rejected during parsing stage): Source data in HDFS is rejected during the parsing stage due to unexpected JSON schema or malformed JSON.

    Mitigation measures: (1) We advise the clients repeatedly to perform QA on their schema. (2) We alert on any HDFS records rejected by the parser. (3) Client can optionally request to dump rejected rows the 'FAIL' column in Hive. However, this leads to Vertica table bloat, since every row will now need to have a large, mostly empty column capable of holding the entire payload.

Thrive architecture

Thrive is a simple data pipeline and has a relatively straightforward architecture. There are parts that the core code uses repeatedly and it pays well to invest some thought in abstracting these reusable components. The following diagram depicts Thrive architecture.

Thrive arch diagram

Thrive core has two families of classes: Managers and Handlers. Managers are wrapper layers on various resources (Hadoop, Hive, Vertica, Oozie, Graphite, ...). The Handlers are responsible for possible workflows that the pipeline may be called to serve.

Handlers use the services of Managers to manage various tasks in workflows. Each possible Thrive workflow is what we referred above as a Thrive phase. Correspondingly, the Handler classes align closely with the phases and are named accordingly.

The Manager classes abstract the various resources that Thrive needs to access to complete various steps in its workflow. Thrive has built abstractions for HDFS, Hive, Vertica, Graphite, MySQL and so on. For each new resource, we plugin a new abstractions with required operations. This design strives to follow the Open/Closed principle. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we dont. But its a useful general guiding principle in our design efforts.

The key difference between Manager and Handler classes is that Thrive's state (what phase has been requested, what step is the workflow at etc) resides only within the Handler classes. The Manager classes provide only the requested services. They know nothing about the state of the workflow.


Core Developers

Rohan D. Kekatpure

Sheel Dandekar


Shradha Cripe (Product Management)

Anand Mistry

Swathi Nimmagadda

Sambaiah Kilaru

Technical Reviewers

Cynan de Leon

Kevin Sebastian

Todd Fast


Thrive is an ETL framework that runs single-row transformations on HDFS data and makes the data available in relational databases (Hive and Vertica).







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  • Python 98.8%
  • Shell 1.2%