This project is a blockchain-based, provably-fair, low-latency lottery for Bitcoin.
The jackpot is given to the last address after X blocks (default: 3) without transactions.
To avoid DOS attacks only transaction with fee are considered.
The project is composed of two parts:
Web Frontend. All javascript, no PHP (you can even host it in Dropbox). It makes requests to API (through corsproxy, since somehow I cannot call it directly [CORS]).
Python core. It can (and should, really!) run in a separated computer far away from the frontend. This part uses Electrum/Bitcoind/... and handles payments.
There is a Gateway address. This address is ignored in the web frontend, and is used to add/remove funds from the lotto address (and don't confuse the user, making them think it was a player)
The code is not yet finished (but almost). I still need to implement what to do when the pot is given (i.e, if stop the game, or make a new one with 0.9*previous_pot, etc.).