Containing the tasks from Softuni's course DB Advanced:
- working with .NET framework;
- basic algorithmic thinking;
- using the right data structures;
- trying to make the code to work as fast as possible;
- working with strings;
- working with matrices;
- Stack and Queues
- Multidimensional-Arrays
- Streams
- Funcional Programming
- String Processing
- Regular Expressions
- Sets and Dictionaries
The course includes:
- object-oriented programming principles;
- class hierarchy;
- classes and objects;
- abstraction;
- inheritance;
- encapsulation;
- polymorphism;
- design patterns;
- interfaces and abstractions
- Defining Classes
- Working With Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Interfaces And Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- BashSoft
The course includes:
- SOLID principles;
- generics;
- iterators and comparators;
- attributes;
- reflection;
- unit testing;
- object communications and events;
- code refactoring;