The simple-ducky is designed to quickly create reliable payloads and launch listener's.The Simple-Ducky currently uses version 2.6 of the duck encoder. The lastest version of the Simple-Ducky supports all Debian Linux distro's (i.e. Kali-Linux, Ubuntu, Linux Mint etc). The smart installer will take care of all the work for you.
With the simple-ducky in a matter of seconds you can;
- Create your evil executable (its automatically placed in your web directory)
- Create your inject.bin
- And launch a listener (meterpreter or netcat).
Note: The newest version supports all Debian distro's i.e. Kali, Backtrack, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Backbox, etc...
To install the Simple-Ducky on any Debian distro:
- git clone --recursive git:// /usr/share/simple-ducky
- bash /usr/share/simple-ducky/
- Once installed run the simple-ducky by typing: simple-ducky
Note 1: Be sure to run option 9 "Dependency Checker" prior to running any other functions.
Note 2: If you have prior installs (v1.1.0 or prior) issue this command:
- rm -rf /usr/share/ducky
To keep simple-ducky and all its modules updated:
- On Debian-based distros: run simple-ducky-update from the command prompt
- On Windows-based systems: run the included update.bat
Here what has changed throughout the different version's of the simple-ducky.
- Added tons of new features; Shells with dbd (incredibly powerful) and the Custom Payload Builder
- Cleaned up the menu options
- Made bug fixes to several payloads
- Replaced Netcat with Ncat
- Upgraded the encoder to version 2.6
- Made changes to the main menu
- Added a new paylod: LM/NTLM Hash Dump From Live System
- Added an LM/NTLM Password Hasher
- Added a new tool: Site2lst Custom Wordlist Builder
- Upgraded the installer: Now there is just one version of the simple-ducky that supports all Debian distro's (Only tested on Linux Mint and Ubuntu)
- Added a new directory titled "misc" this file will hold often used files during attacks
- Added a new payload subset titled "Forced Phishing & Web Attacks"
- Intergrated: SE-Toolkikt, Browser_Autopwn, and BurpSuite.
- Added Payload: Local DNS Poisoning | SE-Toolkit's Java Applet Attack
- Added Payload: Local DNS Poisoning | Metasploit's Browser_Autopwn
- Added Payload: Proxy in the Middle (PiTM) | No Admin Access Needed | Burpsuite
- Added OSX Single User Mode Reverse Shell Payload
- Made minor scripting changes
- Changed Encoder to version 2.5
- Fixed bugs in the FTP Server Setup option
- Created a User add function for the FTP Server Setup
- Fixed command line entrance method on all Windows no UAC Vista/7 Payloads (Props to arzen)
- Created two separate versions of the simple-ducky (1 for Kali-Linux and the other for Other Linux Distros)
- Removed the install dependencies option on the Kali-Linux version (Kali will keep these up to date)(Other-Linux version still has it)
- Updated the Powershell Download & Payloads to provide better obfuscation (tested on fully patched windows Vista/7/8 running McAfee)
- Added a new function that configures the Pure-FTPD server for the user
- Complete Payload and Menu Revamp
- Updated menu options
- Added
Persistencepayload - Updated menu options
- Payload Update
- JDK update support for 64bit systems added
- Added initial delay function (allows you to set a custom delay for driver install time).
- Changed encoder version from 2.4 to 3.0
- International keyboard mapping added. -- Tester's would be greatly appreciated.
- Aesthetic changes to text.
- Added Payloads
- Encoder downgraded from v3.0 to v2.4 due to issues encoding the Windows 7 Reverse shell payload.
If you would like to contribute your payload to the Simple-Ducky please contact me -
This new version allows you to use alternative layout. It supports ASCII, ISO-8859-1 and unicode.
- $java -jar duckencode.jar -i script.txt -o inject.bin -l fr
- or
- $java -jar duckencode.jar -i script.txt -o inject.bin -l resources/
- usage: duckencode -i [file ..] encode specified file
- or: duckencode -i [file ..] -o [file ..] encode to specified file
- -i [file ..] Input File
- -o [file ..] Output File
- -l [file ..] Keyboard Layout (us/uk/fr/pt or a path to a properties file)
- ALT [key name] (ex: ALT F4, ALT SPACE)
- ALT-SHIFT (Input Lanugage Swap)
- CTRL | CONTROL [key name] (ex: CTRL ESC)
- CTRL-ALT [key name] (ex: CTRL-ALT DEL)
- CTRL-SHIFT [key name] (ex: CTRL-SHIFT ESC)
- DEFAULT_DELAY | DEFAULTDELAY [Time in millisecond * 10] (change the delay between each command)
- DELAY [Time in millisecond * 10] (used to overide temporary the default delay)
- GUI | WINDOWS [key name] (ex: GUI r, GUI l)
- REM [anything] (used to comment your code, no obligation :) )
- SHIFT [key name] (ex: SHIFT DEL)
- REPEAT [Number] (Repeat last command N times)
- STRING [any character of your layout]
- [key name] (anything in the
Note: Getting strange behaviour with GUI to open windows-menu, WINDOWS appears to work ok (but GUI maps to WINDOWS), strange?