A time tracker, written in python, for command-line usage
- python 2.7 / 3.x
Install python 2.7 or 3.x
Install python modules
pip install -r requirements
Create storage file
(sqlite database)python setup.py
Copy file
to your home directory (in windows %USERPROFILE%)
Start timetracker
python tracker.py
18:00 > add project1
added new task #2
18:30 > add project2
added new task #3
Uses an Sqlite database to store all task data.
Database file timer.db
is located in directory %USERPROFILE%.
When you exit timetracker application all schedules are written to the storage.
#<id> reschedule an existing task using its id
add,a add a new task and set it to active
adjust adjust time of a task
clear,cl clear all tasks
commit,ci commit a task by id
done set task to done
exit exit application
export,exp export data (current day) as JSON
help,h this help
list,l,ls list all available tasks (ls all; ls yd; ls)
pause,p pause tasks
push push all done tasks to store and remove them from current list
rename,ren rename a task by id
remove,rm delete task by id
status,st status information
Syntax: #task-id
Set a task with given task-id as active
Add a new task
Alias: add, a
Syntax: add taskname
A new task is created and set as active. Its status will become ON.
Syntax: adjust task-id
Adjust time of a task. Specify a time value in seconds. The value can be negative or positive.
Remove all tasks from current list
Alias: clear, c
Tasks in the storage are not removed with this command.
Commits a task by id
Alias: commit, ci
Syntax: commit task-id
Commit time from given task to storage, add a new task with the same taskname to current task list and set new task as active.
Set a task to complete
Syntax: done task-id
Sets a task' status to DONE. Hide it in current list by default. Set pause task as active task.
Alias: exit, q
Write schedules to storage and exit application.
Alias: help, h
Print help and usage
List all current tasks
Alias: list, ls
ls // list tasks from current list
ls all // list alls tasks from current list, also the DONE tasks
ls yd // list all tasks you created yesterday (loading them from storage)
Pause current tasks
Alias: pause, p
Syntax: pause task-id
Set default pause task as active task
Push all tasks with status DONE to storage and remove them from current list
Syntax: rename task-id
Rename a task
Alias: remove, rm
Syntax: remove task-id
Delete a task permanently. If active task is deleted then pause task is set to active.
Alias: status, st
Print status information
ON - an active task
OFF - a task is paused
DONE - a task is done
Under timetracker-ui you will find a web UI for timetracker storage. Go to time-tracker-ui folder and start the http server. UI application is available under http://localhost:8080
time tracker V0.9.10
20:10 > ls
id spend upd created status name
1 00:00 20:10 20:10 ACTIVE pause
20:10 > add New Task
added new task #2
20:10 > add Second Task
added new task #3
20:10 > ls
id spend upd created status name
3 00:00 20:10 20:10 ACTIVE Second Task
1 00:00 20:10 20:10 ACTIVE pause
2 00:00 20:10 20:10 ACTIVE New Task
20:10 > done 2
set task #2 to done
20:10 > ls
id spend upd created status name
3 00:00 20:10 20:10 ACTIVE Second Task
1 00:00 20:10 20:10 ACTIVE pause
20:10 > ls all
id spend upd created status name
3 00:00 20:11 20:10 ACTIVE Second Task
1 00:00 20:10 20:10 ACTIVE pause
2 00:00 20:10 20:10 DONE New Task
20:11 > status
active: #3 Second Task
pause: 00:00h
worktime: 00:00h
started: 20:10
tasks: 3
20:11 > exit