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Gago is a interpreted programming language. It is fully written in Go.
Gago includes:
- Lexer
- Parser
- VM
- Module implementation
- Easy embedding into your Go application
- Standard library
View the projects timeline and progress here
The gago builtins module: (as of v0.7-alpha)
type: function. Doc:prints the specified values seperated by a space
type: function. Docgets input from stdin until newline
type: global variable. Use:testing purposes
type: function. Doc:sleeps for the specified ms
type: function. Doc:exits from the process
Download from the releases page
Gago started as an experiment to find out how hard it would be to build a programming language in Go. With all the standard library written in Go, it would be faster than many programming languages, such as Python.
It can also be used as a wrapper around Go, since any Gago expression can be written in Go.
gago currently:
- Lexes all tokens correctly
- Parses some expressions to AST
- Is able to run the AST available right now (in the VM)
- Has a builtin module and module system.
- Is able to run defined Go functions inside the Gago script.
Taking the project further is the main goal. Making a simple language which can run just like any programming language would be a end goal. Once Gago is ready to run some of the more basic code, running benchmarks will be added.
Gago is currently in a pre-release or beta state.
This project is licensed under the MIT licence.