Grab image from a Wayland compositor using grim and slurp.
Draw simple shapes or add text on the image with grimedit. Save to ~/Pictures/ScreenShots/ or copy to clipboard.
- Python3
- PyQT5
- grim
- slurp
- wl-clipboard
Just search and install them with your package manager.
git clone
cd grimedit
sudo make install
grim -g "$(slurp)" - | grimedit
To make it more convenient:
Bind a shortcut in your window manager config, e.g. ~/.config/sway/config if you use sway, and make the window floating.
bindsym $mod+Shift+a exec grim -g "$(slurp)" - | grimedit
for_window [title="Grimedit"] floating enable
- More color options, currently only red.
- Mosaic.
- Text edit is not perfect, and no font and font size to choose from, but currently it's enough for me.
The save button automatically saves the screenshot in ~/Pictures/ScreenShots as YMD-h-m-s.png, and a copy to the clipboard.
The escape key can quit the program with nothing saved.
The drawed shapes or text cann't be adjust after commit.
Though it is enough for me to work.
The lacking feature maybe added when I keep learning QT5 and PyQT5.
Patches and Contributes are welcome!
找了很久,发现 Linux Wayland (Sway) 下面没有可用类似桌面端微信或QQ的截图工具。