Changelog 2.1.0-135..8d29fa5
8d29fa5 - Update installation documentation to include cluster profiles (#107)
8299a1e - Update README.md
28cb3b0 - Bump up plugin version * Bump up plugin version to v3.0.0 * Bump up supported GoCD version to v19.3.0
54388f8 - Bump up elastic agent extension version to v5 (#106)
d812b4c - Bump mockito-core from 2.0.96-beta to 2.25.1
312b3c0 - Bump guava from 19.0 to 23.0
90fb53f - Bump freemarker from 2.3.23 to 2.3.28
6d1b428 - Bump go-plugin-api from 18.2.0 to 19.2.0
da15272 - Use the new plugin helper to build and deploy jars
e2286d9 - Upgrade gradle
6308701 - Bump compiler from 0.9.5 to 0.9.6
1179a4e - Bump commons-lang3 from 3.4 to 3.8.1
f0640e8 - Bump jsonassert from 1.3.0 to 1.5.0
8efec5c - Bump hamcrest-library from 1.3 to 2.1
be61ecb - Bump gson from 2.8.1 to 2.8.5
91f9331 - updated broken documentation link
4cab474 - updated broken documentation link
42ebc69 - Add documentation for pulling the gocd agent from a private registry. (#38)
ba506b8 - Fixed #82
SHA256 Checksums
10c62ab30d35b13086d197bc9f260f6134362d70ef8c5104d4af72d4a6ef8b35 *kubernetes-elastic-agent-3.0.0-156.jar