TypeScript Decorators Based Interface for Mocha
Use TypeScript decorators such as @suite
, @test
, @timeout
, @slow
, @only
and @skip
to write your tests. The package will call the appopriate describe
, it
, timeout
, slow
, it.only
or it.skip
- A class decorated with
is considered suite. - Static
methods will be called before and after all tests. - A class instance will be created for each test.
- Instance
methods will be called before and after each test. - A method decorated with
is considered a test. - Methods accepting
callback or returning aPromise
instance are considered async.
Haringat for the async support in before and after methods.
There is a watcher script in the package, that runs tsc -w
process and watches its output for successful compilation, upon compilation runs a mocha
You will need a tsconfig.json
, and at least test.ts
mocha entrypoint.
Install mocha
, typescript
and mocha-typescript
as dev dependencies (required):
npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install mocha --save-dev
npm install mocha-typescript --save-dev
Add the following npm script to package.json
"scripts": {
"dev-test-watch": "mocha-typescript-watch"
And run the typescript mocha watcher from the terminal using npm run dev-test-watch
You can use the watcher with plain describe
, it
functions. The decorator based interface is not required for use with the watcher.
The mocha-typescript-watch
script is designed as a command line tool.
You can provide the arguments in the package.json's script, for example:
"scripts": {
"dev-test-watch": "mocha-typescript-watch -p tsconfig.test.json -o mocha.opts"
For complete list with check ./node_modules/.bin/mocha-typescript-watch --help
-p, --project Path to tsconfig file or directory containing tsconfig, passed
to `tsc -p <value>`. [string] [default: "."]
-t, --tsc Path to executable tsc, by default points to typescript
installed as dev dependency. Set to 'tsc' for global tsc
[string] [default: "./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc"]
-o, --opts Path to mocha.opts file containing additional mocha
configuration. [string] [default: "./test/mocha.opts"]
-m, --mocha Path to executable mocha, by default points to mocha installed
as dev dependency.
[string] [default: "./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
The standard mocha interface (arrow functions are discouraged because this is messed up, so we use function):
describe("Hello", function() {
it("world", function() {});
@suite class Hello {
@test "world"() { }
In the terminal run:
mkdir mocha-ts-use
cd mocha-ts-use
npm init
# then multiple enter hits
npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install mocha --save-dev
npm install mocha-typescript --save-dev
In the package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "tsc -p . && mocha",
"prepublish": "tsc -p ."
Create tsconfig.json
file near the package.json
like that:
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"removeComments": false,
"preserveConstEnums": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"declaration": true
Add a test.ts
import { suite, test, slow, timeout, skip, only } from "mocha-typescript";
@suite class Hello {
@test "world"() { }
Back to the terminal:
npm test
Now you have tests for the code you are about to write.
Mind adding .npmignore
and .gitignore
to keep .ts
files in git
and .js
and .d.ts
files in npm
Check the playground:
import { suite, test, slow, timeout, skip, only } from "mocha-typescript";
declare var Promise: any; // ES6 Promise
@suite("mocha typescript")
class Basic {
@test("should pass when asserts are fine")
asserts_pass() {
@test("should fail when asserts are broken")
asserts_fail() {
// Any self-respecting assertion framework should throw
var error = new Error("Assert failed");
(<any>error).expected = "expected";
(<any>error).actual = "to fail";
throw error;
@test("should pass async tests")
assert_pass_async(done: Function) {
setTimeout(() => done(), 1);
@test("should fail async when given error")
assert_fail_async(done: Function) {
setTimeout(() => done(new Error("Oops...")), 1);
@test("should fail async when callback not called")
assert_fail_async_no_callback(done: Function) {
// Never called... t/o intentional.
@test("should pass when promise resolved")
promise_pass_resolved() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1);
@test("should fail when promise rejected")
promise_fail_rejected() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Ooopsss...")), 1);
// mocha typescript
// √ should pass when asserts are fine
// 1) should fail when asserts are broken
// √ should pass async tests
// 2) should fail async when given error
// 3) should fail async when callback not called
// √ should pass when promise resolved
// 4) should fail when promise rejected
@suite class CuteSyntax {
@test testNamedAsMethod() {
@test "can have non verbose syntax for fancy named tests"() {
@test "and they can be async too"(done) {
// CuteSyntax
// √ testNamedAsMethod
// √ can have non verbose syntax for fancy named tests
// √ and they can be async too
@suite class LifeCycle {
static tokens = 0;
token: number;
constructor() {
console.log(" - new LifeCycle");
before() {
this.token = LifeCycle.tokens++;
console.log(" - Before each test " + this.token);
after() {
console.log(" - After each test " + this.token);
static before() {
console.log(" - Before the suite: " + ++this.tokens);
static after() {
console.log(" - After the suite" + ++this.tokens);
@test one() {
console.log(" - Run one: " + this.token);
@test two() {
console.log(" - Run two: " + this.token);
// LifeCycle
// - Before the suite: 1
// - new LifeCycle
// - Before each test 1
// - Run one: 1
// √ one
// - After each test 1
// - new LifeCycle
// - Before each test 2
// - Run two: 2
// √ two
// - After each test 2
// - After the suite4
@suite class PassingAsyncLifeCycle {
constructor() {
before(done) {
setTimeout(done, 100);
after() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve());
static before() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve());
static after(done) {
setTimeout(done, 300);
@test one() {
@test two() {
// PassingAsyncLifeCycle
// √ one
// √ two
@suite class Times {
@test @slow(10) "when fast is normal"(done) {
setTimeout(done, 0);
@test @slow(15) "when average is yellow-ish"(done) {
setTimeout(done, 10);
@test @slow(15) "when slow is red-ish"(done) {
setTimeout(done, 20);
@test @timeout(10) "when faster than timeout passes"(done) {
setTimeout(done, 0);
@test @timeout(10) "when slower than timeout fails"(done) {
setTimeout(done, 20);
// Times
// √ when fast is normal
// √ when average is yellow-ish (10ms)
// √ when slow is red-ish (20ms)
// √ when faster than timeout passes
// 5) when slower than timeout fails
@suite class ExecutionControl {
@skip @test "this won't run"() {
@test "this however will"() {
// @only
@test "add @only to run just this test"() {
// ExecutionControl
// - this won't run
// √ this however will
// √ add @only to run just this test
class ServerTests {
connect() {
console.log(" connect(" + ServerTests.connection + ")");
disconnect() {
console.log(" disconnect(" + ServerTests.connection + ")");
static connection: string;
static connectionId: number = 0;
static before() {
ServerTests.connection = "shader connection " + ++ServerTests.connectionId;
console.log(" boot up server.");
static after() {
ServerTests.connection = undefined;
console.log(" tear down server.");
@suite class MobileClient extends ServerTests {
@test "client can connect"() { this.connect(); }
@test "client can disconnect"() { this.disconnect(); }
@suite class WebClient extends ServerTests {
@test "web can connect"() { this.connect(); }
@test "web can disconnect"() { this.disconnect(); }
// MobileClient
// boot up server.
// connect(shader connection 1)
// √ client can connect
// disconnect(shader connection 1)
// √ client can disconnect
// tear down server.
// WebClient
// boot up server.
// connect(shader connection 2)
// √ web can connect
// disconnect(shader connection 2)
// √ web can disconnect
// tear down server.
// Nested suites
declare var describe, it;
describe("outer suite", () => {
@suite class TestClass {
@test method() {
// outer suite
// TestClass
// ✓ method
// 19 passing (219ms)
// 1 pending
// 5 failing