The Goldsmiths Mocap Streamer consists of objects for transmitting BVH data in real-time.
You can download a pre-built version of our application. Alternatively, you can build your own from our source code. (Please note: you will need to deploy your own remote server in any instance)
This codebase is entirely open to forks and contributions via our GitHub, subject to our MPL License
The streamer is essentially a Websockets wrapper for UDP data, allowing users to stream to ports over the web as though they were local.
It works like this:
flowchart TD;
Suit([Motion-Capture Suit])--User Datagram Protocol 'UDP'-->
LocalA(Local Server);
LocalA(Local Server)--Websockets-->
Remote[(Remote Server)]
UI[/Web User-Interface/]--Control Data-->
Remote[(Remote Server)]--Websockets-->
Local(Local Server)--User Datagram Protocol 'UDP'-->
Client[/Rendering Engine/];
click LocalA "" "See the README for the 'Local Server' component"
click UI "" "See the README for the 'Web UI' component"
click Remote "" "See the README for the 'Remote' component"
%%click Suit...add docs for suit and set-up
%%click Client...add docs for using external software with the streamer
Prerequisites: git, node, yarn
Clone the project from github
git clone
Navigate to the project root and install dependencies:
Start the remote streamer. You can either:
Run a server on
yarn remote dev
from the project root.
Start the local streamer:
In a new terminal, run
yarn local dev
from the project root.(This starts the UI and a local server running on
pre-requisites: node, node-pkg
NOTE This will only build an installer for the platform you run it on. For example, if you are using a Windows machine it will create a windows executable.
Update the version in package.json
yarn local prebuild
yarn local build
Zip the folder created by build
Rename the zip to
Copy zip to release in github