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Studio Kit

A browser-based JavaScript SDK for

The Studio Kit provides your users with everything they need to produce professional-looking live streams to any popular platform (Youtube, Facebook, Twitch, etc.) or custom destination.

This is a simple and opinionated interface for services. It implements the SDK.

đź“– Read the documentation
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Developers using the Studio Kit will have access to:

  • Drop-in stream canvas
    • Configurable drag-and-drop controls
    • Built-in animations and transitions
  • Support for custom stream layouts
  • Support for custom themes and presets
  • Support for webcam + screenshare for a host and any number of guests
  • Simple state hooks designed for interplay with popular frontend frameworks

Users of a website implementing the Studio Kit will be able to:

  • Create and manage multiple projects
  • Invite guests to appear on stream
  • Select from custom themes and layouts
  • Set up a professional-looking stream in minutes
  • Go live to multiple destinations at the same time
  • Add cameras and screenshares and switch between layouts in real time

Quick start

Initialize the SDK
import * as StudioKit from ''

// Initialize the SDK to receive a Studio object
const studio = await StudioKit.init()

// Authenticate the user and fetch their projects
const user = await studio.load(ACCESS_TOKEN)

Note: ACCESS_TOKEN should be granted as part of your user login flow.
Receive this token on the backend by using the SDK.

Example - Retrieve an access token

Monitor events and updates
// Listen for events to update state and re-render the UI

studio.subscribe((event, payload) => {
  handleEvent(event, payload) // Update some state
  render(state) // Render some UI (e.g. projects list)

const handleEvent = (event, payload) => {
  if (event === 'BroadcastStarted') {
  } else if (event === 'BroadcastStopped') {
Create a project

A project represents a single broadcast setup.

// ScenelessProject includes utilities to assist with simple stream setup
const { ScenelessProject } = SDK.Helpers

// Create a project with participant and overlay compatibility
const project = await ScenelessProject.create()

// Activate our desired project, initializing event listeners
await studio.Command.setActiveProject({ projectId: })

// Wrap the project in an interface used to manage layout, 
//  add participant video feeds, and change overlays
const projectCommands = ScenelessProject.commands(project)

// Join the WebRTC room to begin sending and receiving video with guests
const room = await activeProject.joinRoom({ displayName })
Add Guests

Now that we have a WebRTC room, let's invite some guests to join our broadcast. The first step is to create a link for each guest to join with.

const baseUrl = ''
const guestLink = await studio.createGuestLink(baseUrl, {

Note: We can also use the Studio.createGuestToken method

On the guest page, we can have the guest join the WebRTC room. Let's demonstrate how to accomplish this in the context of a React component.

Guest Page (React)
import { init, Helpers, SDK } from ''
const { useStudio, StudioProvider, useDevices } = Helpers.React

// In order to make use of the helpful useStudio hook, our component must be a child of StudioProvider
const GuestApp = ({ children }) => (

const GuestCompoent = () => {
  const { studio, project, room, setStudio, setProject, setRoom, webcamId, microphoneId, setWebcamId, setMicrophoneId } = useStudio()

  // Initialize studio
  // Pass an empty array as deps to ensure that this effect runs only once.
  // There are other, better ways to accomplish this, 
  //  but for brevity in this example, we choose this way.
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  // Initialize project
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!studio) return

    if (studio.initialProject) {
      // If the SDK detects a token in the URL, it will return the project
      //  associated with it (e.g. guest view)
    } else {
      setError('Invalid token')
  }, [studio])

  // Initialize room
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!project) return
      .then((room) => {
      .catch((e) => {
  }, [project])

  // Gets all webcams and microphones for the guest, listens for changes to available devices
  const devices = useDevices(()

  // As soon as we have our devices, the first available webcam and microphone will be shared across the WebRTC Room.
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!webcamId) setWebcamId(devices.webcams[0]?.deviceId)
  }, [webcamId, devices])
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!microphoneId) setMicrophoneId(devices.microphones[0]?.deviceId)
  }, [microphoneId, devices])

  return (
      {/* some react component here*/}

Now that the Guest has joined the room, let's return to the Host's page, and add the guest to our broadcast.

Adding Guest To The Broadcast (React)
const Participants = () => {
  const { room, projectCommands } = useStudio()
  const [participants, setParticipants] = useState<SDK.Participant[]>([])

  // Listen for room participants
  useEffect(() => {
    return room.useParticipants((participants) => {
      // Prune non-existent guests from the project
      // Only the host can do this
  }, [])

  return (
      { => (
          {/* Include some other components to, say, display the participant's camera feed */}
          <WebcamToggle participant={p} />

const WebcamToggle = ({ participant }) => {
  const { id } = participant
  const { projectCommands } = useStudio()

  // Get the initial props in case the participant is on stream
  const projectParticipant = useMemo(
    () => projectCommands.getParticipantState(id, 'camera'),
  const [onStream, setOnStream] = useState(Boolean(projectParticipant))
  const [isMuted, setIsMuted] = useState(projectParticipant?.isMuted ?? false)
  const [volume, setVolume] = useState(projectParticipant?.volume ?? 1)
  const [isShowcase, setIsShowcase] = useState(false)

  // Monitor whether the participant has been removed from the stream
  //  from some other means (e.g. dragged off canvas by host)
  useEffect(() => {
    return projectCommands.useParticipantState(
      (x) => {
  }, [])

  // Monitor the project's showcase to determine whether this
  // participant/camera is active
    () =>
      projectCommands.useShowcase((showcase) => {
        setIsShowcase(showcase.participantId === id && showcase.type === 'camera')
  return (
          onChange={(e) => {
            const checked =
            if (checked) {
              // Adds the participant's webcam and microphone to the broadcast
              projectCommands.addParticipant(id, { isMuted, volume }, 'camera')
            } else {
              projectCommands.removeParticipant(id, 'camera')
        On stream
      <label style={{ opacity: onStream ? 1 : 0.7 }}>
          onChange={() => {
            if (isShowcase) {
            } else {
              projectCommands.setShowcase(id, 'camera')
Configure a broadcast

With a project, we are ready to start configuring a broadcast.

// Render the drop-in stream canvas into a DOM element of your choosing
const containerEl = document.querySelector('#some-container')
  projectId:, // The project to render
  containerEl, // The element to render the preview into
  dragAndDrop: true, // Include drag 'n' drop functionality

// Configure a destination for the active project
  rtmpUrl: 'rtmp://',
  rtmpKey: 'some_stream_key_123',
Start a broadcast

Once a destination is set, the project is ready to go live.


Authentication & Authorization relies heavily on modern JWT-based authentication flows. The backend authentication service issues JWTs which clients assert on subsequent API calls. Those JWTs include grants allowing clients to safely share projects with collaborators and guests.

Learn more about authentication with