because we all hate them.
This is a curated list of hosts that will track you, show you ads, spy and some other things.
You will find here the same list in 3 formats:
As you probably know I am using #OpenBSD everywhere so I will explain how to make them works over it.
# cd /var/unbound/etc
# ftp -V
...edit unbound.conf and add 'include: "/var/unbound/etc/ads.conf"'...
# /etc/rc.d/unbound restart
If your machine is slow, you might want to give unbound service a bit more of timeout by doing:
# rcctl set unbound timeout 120
# /etc/rc.d/unbound restart
Unwind works without any config file, but you can add some magic to it, of course read the manual, but for this purpose a simple config file could be add.
# cd /etc
# ftp -V
# cat /etc/unwind.conf
block list "/etc/ads.conf"
forwarder { $fw01 $fw02 }
preference { forwarder recursor }
# /etc/rc.d/unwind restart