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Supported features

Bradford C. Smith edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 10 revisions

Last update: 2020-01-09

See also

Feature Language Version Support
ES3 keywords as identifiers ES5 yes
getters & setters ES5 Yes, but cannot be transpiled down to ES3. Negatively impact optimizations.
reserved words as properties ES5 yes
string continuation ES5 yes
trailing comma ES5 yes
array destructuring ES6 yes
Array.from ES6 polyfill
Array.of ES6 polyfill
array pattern rest ES6 yes
Array.prototype.copyWithin ES6 polyfill
Array.prototype.entries ES6 polyfill
Array.prototype.fill ES6 polyfill
Array.prototype.find ES6 polyfill
Array.prototype.findIndex ES6 polyfill
Array.prototype.keys ES6 polyfill
arrow function ES6 yes
binary literal ES6 yes
block-scoped function declaration ES6 yes
class ES6 yes
class extends ES6 yes
class getters / setters ES6 Yes, but cannot be transpiled down to ES3. Negatively impact optimizations.
computed properties ES6 yes
const declaration ES6 yes
default parameter ES6 yes
ES modules ES6 yes in input, but output is one large script, possibly broken into chunks
extended object literal ES6 yes
for-of loop ES6 yes
generators ES6 yes
let declaration ES6 yes
Map ES6 polyfill
Math.acosh ES6 polyfill
Math.asinh ES6 polyfill
Math.atanh ES6 polyfill
math.cbrt ES6 polyfill
Math.clz32 ES6 polyfill
Math.cosh ES6 polyfill
Math.expm1 ES6 polyfill
Math.fround ES6 polyfill
Math.hypot ES6 polyfill
Math.imul ES6 polyfill
Math.log10 ES6 polyfill
Math.log1p ES6 polyfill
Math.log2 ES6 polyfill
Math.sign ES6 polyfill
Math.sinh ES6 polyfill
Math.tanh ES6 polyfill
Math.trunc ES6 polyfill
member declaration ES6 yes ES6 yes
Number.EPSILON ES6 polyfill
Number.isFinite ES6 polyfill
Number.isInteger ES6 polyfill
Number.isNaN ES6 polyfill
Number.isSafeInteger ES6 polyfill
Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ES6 polyfill
Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ES6 polyfill
Number.parseFloat ES6 polyfill
Number.parseInt ES6 polyfill
Object.assign ES6 polyfill
object destructuring ES6 yes ES6 polyfill
Object.setPrototypeOf ES6 polyfill
octal literal ES6 yes
Promise ES6 polyfill
Reflect.apply ES6 polyfill
Reflect.construct ES6 polyfill
Reflect.defineProperty ES6 polyfill
Reflect.deleteProperty ES6 polyfill
Reflect.get ES6 polyfill
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ES6 polyfill
Reflect.getPrototypeOf ES6 polyfill
Reflect.has ES6 polyfill
Reflect.isExtensible ES6 polyfill
Reflect.ownKeys ES6 polyfill
Reflect.preventExtensions ES6 polyfill
Reflect.set ES6 polyfill
Reflect.setPrototypeOf ES6 polyfill
RegExp flag 'u' ES6 recognized in input, but cannot be transpiled
RegExp flag 'y' ES6 recognized in input, but cannot be transpiled
rest parameter ES6 yes
Set ES6 polyfill
String.fromCodePoint ES6 polyfill
String.prototype.codePointAt ES6 polyfill
String.prototype.endsWith ES6 polyfill
String.prototype.includes ES6 polyfill
String.prototype.repeat ES6 polyfill
String.prototype.startsWith ES6 polyfill
string template literals ES6 yes
WeakMap ES6 polyfill
WeakSet ES6 polyfill
exponent operators ES_2016 yes
Array.prototype.includes ES_2016 polyfill
Array.prototype.values ES_2017 polyfill
async functions ES_2017 yes
Object.entries ES_2017 polyfill
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ES_2017 polyfill
Object.values ES_2017 polyfill
String.prototype.padEnd ES_2017 polyfill
String.prototype.padStart ES_2017 polyfill
Array.prototype.flat ES_2018 polyfill
Array.prototype.flatmap ES_2018 polyfill
async generator functions ES_2018 yes
for-await-of loop ES_2018 yes
object pattern rest ES_2018 yes
Promise.prototype.finally ES_2018 polyfill
RegExp flag 's' ES_2018 recognized in input, but cannot be transpiled
RegExp lookbehind ES_2018 recognized in input, but cannot be transpiled
RegExp named groups ES_2018 recognized in input, but cannot be transpiled
RegExp unicode property escape ES_2018 yes
spread into object literal ES_2018 yes
trailing comma in param list ES_2018 yes
Object.fromEntries ES_2019 polyfill
Optional catch binding ES_2019 yes
String.prototype.trimEnd ES_2019 polyfill
String.prototype.trimLeft ES_2019 polyfill
String.prototype.trimRight ES_2019 polyfill
String.prototype.trimStart ES_2019 polyfill
Unescaped Unicode line or paragraph separator ES_2019 yes
globalThis ES_2020 polyfill
import.meta ES_2020 recognized in input, but cannot be output or transpiled
Promise.allSettled ES_2020 polyfill
String.prototype.matchAll ES_2020 polyfill
Dynamic module import ES_2020 recognized in input, but cannot be output or transpiled
Nullish coalescing operator ?? ES_2020 yes
Optional chaining operator ?. ES_2020 yes
BigInt ES_2020 see BigInt Support
Numeric separators ES_2021 yes
String.prototype.replaceAll ES_2021 yes
Promise.any ES_2021 yes
Logical assignment operators ES_2021 yes
WeakRefs ES_2021 yes (externs only, no polyfill)
RegExp Match indices ES_2022 recognized in input, but cannot be transpiled
.at() ES_2022 polyfill
Error Cause ES_2022 externs only, no polyfill
Object.hasOwn ES_2022 polyfill
class public instance fields ES_2022 no (implementation started, but stalled)
class public static fields ES_2022 no (implementation started, but stalled)
class private instance fields ES_2022 no
class private static fields ES_2022 no
class private instance methods ES_2022 no
class private static methods ES_2022 no
Top-level await ES_2022 no
#something in object ES_2022 no
class static blocks ES_2022 no
Array find from last ES_2022 no
Hashbang grammar ES_2022 no
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