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cgarciae committed Jul 29, 2023
1 parent 3741278 commit 282d1e5
Showing 1 changed file with 170 additions and 0 deletions.
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions flax/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
from typing import Any, Generic, Mapping, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, TypeVar, Union, runtime_checkable
import jax
from flax.core import freeze, FrozenDict
import dataclasses
from import TrainState
import optax

A = TypeVar('A')

class Indexable(Protocol):

def __getitem__(self, key) -> Any:

class Settable(Protocol):

def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None:

def flatten_until_found(tree: Any, targets: Sequence[Any]):
remaining = len(targets)

def is_leaf(x):
nonlocal remaining
leaf = False
if x in targets:
remaining -= 1
leaf = True
return leaf or remaining <= 0

value = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(tree, is_leaf=is_leaf)

if remaining > 0:
return None
return value

class ParentKey(Generic[A]):
parent: 'Cursor[A]'
key: Any

class Cursor(Generic[A]):
obj: A
parent_key: Optional[ParentKey[A]]
changes: dict[Any, Union[Any, 'Cursor[A]']]

def __init__(self, obj: A, parent_key: Optional[ParentKey[A]]):
vars(self)['obj'] = obj
vars(self)['parent_key'] = parent_key
vars(self)['changes'] = {}

def __getitem__(self, key) -> 'Cursor[A]':
if key in self.changes:
return self.changes[key]

if not isinstance(self.obj, Indexable):
raise TypeError(f'Cannot index into {self.obj}')

if isinstance(self.obj, Mapping) and key not in self.obj:
raise KeyError(f'Key {key} not found in {self.obj}')

child = Cursor(self.obj[key], ParentKey(self, key))
self.changes[key] = child
return child

def root(self) -> 'Cursor[A]':
if self.parent_key is None:
return self
return self.parent_key.parent.root

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.changes[key] = value

def __getattr__(self, name) -> 'Cursor[A]':
if name in self.changes:
return self.changes[name]

if not hasattr(self.obj, name):
raise AttributeError(f'Attribute {name} not found in {self.obj}')

child = Cursor(getattr(self.obj, name), ParentKey(self, name))
self.changes[name] = child
return child

def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self.changes[name] = value

def build(self) -> A:
changes = {
key: if isinstance(child, Cursor) else child
for key, child in self.changes.items()
if isinstance(self.obj, FrozenDict):
obj = self.obj.copy(changes)
elif isinstance(self.obj, (dict, list)):
obj = self.obj.copy()
for key, value in changes.items():
obj[key] = value
elif isinstance(self.obj, tuple):
obj = list(self.obj)
for key, value in changes.items():
obj[key] = value
obj = tuple(obj)
elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(self.obj):
obj = dataclasses.replace(self.obj, **changes)
raise ValueError(f'Cannot build object of type {type(self.obj).__name__}')

# NOTE: There is a way to try to do a general replace for pytrees, but it requires
# the key of `changes` to store the type of access (getattr, getitem, etc.)
# in order to access those value from the original object and try to replace them
# with the new value. For simplicity, this is not implemented for now.
# ----------------------
# changed_values = tuple(changes.values())
# result = flatten_until_found(self.obj, changed_values)

# if result is None:
# raise ValueError('Cannot find object in parent')

# leaves, treedef = result
# leaves = [leaf if leaf is not self.obj else value for leaf in leaves]
# obj = jax.tree_util.tree_unflatten(treedef, leaves)

return obj # type: ignore

def set(self, value) -> A:
if self.parent_key is None:
return value
parent, key = self.parent_key.parent, self.parent_key.key
parent.changes[key] = value

def cursor(obj: A) -> Cursor[A]:
return Cursor(obj, None)

t = freeze({'a': 1, 'b': (2, 3), 'c': [4, 5]})

# set API

# build API
c = cursor(t)
c['b'][0] = 10
c['a'] = (100, 200)
t2 =


state = TrainState.create(
apply_fn=lambda x: x,

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