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Simple but powerful http gateway

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🌟 About Kuafu

Kuafu is a http service forwarding service。

Kuafu do these :

  • upstream lookup and forwarding
  • various security authentication
  • static file server

👾 Tech Stack

kuafu is written by golang.

🎯 Features

  • load configuration files from http addresses/git repositories/ local disk
  • webhook-style configuration hot-reload
  • upstream routing from consul agent and integration with spring boot
  • internal api to inspect configuration
  • random, URL hash, IP Hash and other different ways to select the backend machine
  • handle static files
  • security verification by cookie, Authorization header, intranet IP verification, etc.
  • userID whitelist to provide security protection for specific sites

command line arguments

-config could be toml/json file in local disk,http uri,or git repository.

kuafu run --config /etc/kuafu.toml

or load from http:

kuafu run --config http://local-config/kuafu.toml

and you could also load config from git:

kuafu run --config

you could specific private-key and ssh-password to fig out login information for git login.

example of configuration file

listenAt="" #listening at

#new host section
	backends=[""] #backend server of domain
	method="cookie" # validation method
	secret= "HelabyUooDayDooAndWhoIsYHelloBabyUooDayDooAndWhoIsYouHelloBabyUooDayDooAndWhoIsYourHelloBabyUooDayDDooAndWhoIsYourDaddyAndYourMummyI-thought-it-was-an-issue-with-jjwt-an87rvnlflidsfdsyuf2efore-was-speaking-of-bits-as-well"
	loginUrl= ""


The following is an explanation of this configuration ywyr; where each domain name can have Method,Secret,RequiredField,LoginUrl,TokenName,AuthName,AuthPass,BackendHashMethod The value of TokenName is _wjToken if is not specified, it is _wjToken; Method specifies the way of security verification, there are five ways: cookie, authorization, private-ip, basic, and none.


When method is cookie, kuafu will check the cookie named ${TokenName}, if there is this cookie, then use ${Secret} to do jwt decryption, after decryption check if there is ${RequiredField} item in this jwt. If any step fails, it will jump to ${LoginUrl} to let the current user login. The requiredField configured in rule.json is generally used as userId.


When the method is authorization, kuafu will check the Header named Authorization, if there is this Header, then use ${Secret} to do the jwt decryption, after decryption, check if there is ${RequiredField} item in this jwt. If any step fails, it will jump to ${LoginUrl} to let the current user login. The requiredField configured in rule.json is generally used as userId.


Accepting only intranet IP access.


Do authentication with http-basic-authentication, username and password are ${AuthName},${AuthPass} configured in rule.json respectively.


The none method is the default method. If the Method is not specified for any domain, the value will be none. none means. Do not do authentication checks anymore.

nginx configuration

In general, we are hanging kuafu behind nginx to provide services, because if you want to do a generic web server, to deal with https certificates, compression, different http protocols, websockets and other various protocols, is too complex; only in the development environment, will use kuafu directly to provide web services.

With nginx, we just need to forward the services of each subdomain to kuafu; for example, kuafu works on port 5577 by default, and in nginx.conf we configure it like this:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name *;
    root /www/;
    index  index.html index.htm index-test.php index.php;
    location / {
	    proxy_pass http://locahost:5577;
	    proxy_set_header HOST $host;
	    proxy_set_header X-Real-Ip $remote_addr;
	    proxy_set_header X-Upstream-IP $http_x_real_ip;
	    proxy_set_header Ip $remote_addr;
	    proxy_set_header   Cookie $http_cookie;

This way requests to any subdomain of are sent to kuafu to be served.

kuafu can look for backends from the backends set in the configuration file, or in consul's service discovery. Consul has higher priority; if a domain name is already configured in consul, the settings in the configuration file will not work.

Upstream looking up Hash method

  • LoadHash (todo)
  • IPHash hash by client ip
  • UrlHash hash by URL
  • RandHash random hash

2. 通过consul 的服务发现功能来寻址

kuafu同时支持从配置文件里的配置里寻找后端,也支持从consul的服务发现里来寻找后端。 示例的配置文件里并没有设置consulAddr的值,如果机房已经部署了consul,则可以在这个配置文件里指定 consulAddr项, 即可指定consul 的地址。kuafu会自动连接并进行服务发现。

Spring Boot 注册一个consul后端

Spring boot 很好的集成了consul,这里只需要三步: A. 在pom.xml里添加:



B. 在Application启动类上加上 EnableDiscoveryClient 这个注解。

public class EsApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


C. 在application.yml里配置properties:(注意修改和等各个细节配置)

      port: 8500
        enabled: true
        register: true
        deregister: true
        prefer-ip-address: true
        health-check-interval: 5s
        health-check-critical-timeout: 30s
        health-check-path: /spring/boot/status
        instance-id: ${}:${}:${server.port} # 应用名称+服务器IP+端口
        tags: backend

D. 设定健康检测URI 这个url访问不了,则consul认为这个节点已经挂 了,就会从可用节点里摘掉。

public class StatusController {
    public String status(){
        return "200 OK";

这样当Spring boot项目运行起来之后,会自动向consul 注册自己的服务。kua运行的时候则会不断检测每个域名有哪些后端在服务。

有一个小的tips: spring boot 在注册服务时会把小圆点换成横线。所以 和a.b.com会被认为是同一个。略坑。

登陆地址目前只能是qwlogin.biying88.cn下的这个login地址。 qwlogin带两个参数,一个是_rtUrl,一个是_rtMethod;rtMethod有Cookie和Authorization两种。


** 为了安全起全,请在配置文件里,设置您自己的 dash.prefix。 访问以"/${dash.prefix}/"开头的一些url时,不会走代理逻辑,而是直接展示了当前生效的配置文件或配置项;其中:

  • /${dash.prefix}/rules 暴露所有的配置规则;
  • /${dash.prefix}/backends 暴露所有的后端转发规则
  • /${dash.prefix}/hashMethods 暴露所有的hash方法; 在访问这些地址时,需要http basic authentication 认证,用户名、密码配置文件里配置,名字分别为dash.superUser,dash.superPass。

⚠️ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

🤝 Contact

404ms - @162cm -

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