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Language Server Protocol implementation for Motorola 68000 assembly


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Motorola 68000 family language server

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Language Server Protocol implementation for Motorola 68000 family assembly, based on tree-sitter-m68k


  • Auto-completion:
    • Instruction mnemonics
    • Assembler directives
    • Registers
    • Symbols
  • Code Linting
    • Parser errors
    • Processor support
  • Code Folding
  • Document Formatting
  • Document Highlights
  • Document Links
  • Document Symbols
  • Find References
  • Go to definition
  • Hover
    • Instruction/directive documentation
    • Symbol info
  • Multiple workspaces
  • Rename Symbols
  • Signature Help


Install the package via npm:

npm install --global m68k-lsp-server



Configure using nvim-lspconfig


  on_attach = on_attach,
  init_options = {
    includePaths = { '../include', '/home/myuser/includes' },
    format = {
      case = {
        instruction = 'upper'


See emacs-m68k

Standalone server

Start the server e.g.:

m68k-lsp-server --stdio


The LSP client can configured using the following settings, either as initialization options, or as a .m68krc.json file in your workspace root, for project specific overrides.


Lists the processor(s) that your code is targeted at. This controls completion suggestions and provides diagnostics.

  "processors": ["mc68030", "mc68881"]

Default: ["mc68000"]

Supported values: mc68000 ,mc68010 ,mc68020 ,mc68030 ,mc68040 ,mc68060 ,mc68881 ,mc68851 ,cpu32

Include Paths:

Additional paths to use to resolve include directives. This is equivalent to INCDIR in source. It should probably include anything you pass to vasm -I arguments. Can be absolute or relative.

  "includePaths": ["../include", "/home/myuser/includes"]

Default: []

vasm diagnostics:

The server can use vasm to provide diagnostic messages. When enabled it will assemble source files on save/open and display any errors or warnings.

The server will use a local vasmm68k_mot executable if one exists in your path or is configured in vasm.binPath, otherwise it will default to a bundled version complied in Web Assembly.

  "vasm": {
    "provideDiagnostics": true,
    "binPath": "vasmm68k_mot",
    "args": [],
    "preferWasm": false,
    "exclude": []


Property Description
provideDiagnostics Enable vasm diagnostics
binPath Filename or full path of vasm executable binary
args Custom arguments to pass to vasm. Include paths and processor(s) from server config will automatically be added
preferWasm Always use bundled Web Assembly vasm
exclude File patterns to ignore and not build directly e.g. ["*.i"]


The language server supports document formatting which can be configured using the following options:


Enforce consistency of upper/lower case on elements which are normally case insensitive.

Option Behaviour
upper Upper case
lower Lower case
any Do not change case

This can either be configured globally for all elements:

  "format": {
    "case": "lower"

or per element type

  "format": {
    "case": {
      "instruction": "lower",
      "directive": "lower",
      "control": "upper",
      "sectionType": "lower",
      "register": "lower",
      "hex": "lower"
Element Description
instruction Instruction mnemonic/size e.g. move.w
directive Assembler directive mnemonic/qualifier e.g. include
control Assembler control keywords e.g. ifeq/endc
sectionType Section type e.g. bss
register Register name e.g. d0,sr
hex Hexadecimal number literal

Default: "lower"

Label colon

Determines whether labels should have a colon suffix.

Can be set for all labels:

  "format": {
    "labelColon": "on"

or individually for global and local labels:

  "format": {
    "labelColon": {
      "global": "on",
      "local": "off"
Option Behaviour
on Add colon
off Remove colon
notInline No colon for labels on same line as instruction
onlyInline Only add colon for labels on same line as instruction
any Do not change

Default: "on"

Operand space

Include space between operands e.g. move d0, d1. VASM needs -spaces or -phxass option to support this.

Option Behaviour
on Add space
off Remove space
any Do not change

Default: "off"

  "format": {
    "operandSpace": "off"


Quote style to use for strings and paths.

  "format": {
    "quotes": "single"
Option Behaviour
single Single quotes: '
double Double quotes: "
any Do not change

Default: "double"


Indents elements to align by type.

  "format": {
    "align": {
      "mnemonic": 8,
      "operands": 16,
      "comment": 48,
      "operator": 0,
      "value": 0,
      "indentStyle": "space",
      "tabSize": 8,
      "autoExtend": "line"


Property Description
mnemonic Position of instruction/directive mnemonic and size e.g. move.w,include.
operands Position of operands e.g. d0,d1.
comment Position of comment following statement. Comments on their own line are not affected.
operator Position of = character in constant assignment
value Position of value in constant assignment
standaloneComment Position / behaviour of comment with no other elements on the same line.
indentStyle Character to use for indent - tab or space.
tabSize Width of tab character to calculate positions when using tab indent style.
autoExtend Behaviour when a component exceeds the available space between positions. See below.

Options for standaloneComment:

Option Behaviour
"nearest" Align to nearest element position (default). E.g. if current position is closest to mnemonic it snaps to that column
"ignore" Don't align
elementName Align to named element position e.g. "label", "mnemonic", "operands"
number Numeric literal position

Options for autoExtend:

Option Behaviour
line Adjust the position for the affected line only
block Adjust the position, maintaining alignment for all lines within the same block i.e. code separated by two or more line breaks
file Adjust the position, maintaining alignment for all lines in the source file

Trim whitespace

Remove trailing whitespace from lines?

  "format": {
    "trimWhitespace": true

default: true

Final new line

Require line break on final line?

  "format": {
    "finalNewLine": true

End-of-line character

New line type: lf, cr, crlf

  "format": {
    "endOfLine": "lf"

default: lf


  • Full documentation for 68010+ instructions
  • Diagnostics
    • Instruction signatures
  • Amiga or other platform specific docs?


This project is made available under the MIT License.