Change of version schema
This release changes the version schema from MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH to YEAR.MONTH.MICRO. Consequently, the first release in August 2023 carries the version number 23.8.0.
New features and improvements
- All primary object pages (person, event, family, ...) now show a "breadcrumb" navigation on the top of the page. It contains the following elements
- Object type icon
- Object type name as clickable link to the list of objects
- Gramps ID
- Lock icon indicating whether the object is private or not. In edit mode, becomes a button to switch privacy on or off
- Button to copy the URL to the object (on mobile, allows to share the link with any app)
- When adding a new family, the relationship type can now be edited
- For existing families, the father, mother, and relationship type can now be edited
- Translations have been updated
Bug fixes
- Fix media usage display (#252)