A lightweight extension of the base R graphics system, with support for automatic grouping, legends, facets, themes, and various other enhancements.
The stable version of tinyplot is available on CRAN.
Or, you can grab the latest development version from R-universe.
install.packages("tinyplot", repos = "https://grantmcdermott.r-universe.dev")
R users are spoiled for choice when it comes to visualization frameworks. The options, of course, include ggplot2 and lattice; say nothing of the bewildering array of extensions built around, on top of, and in between these amazing packages.1
Given the wealth of options, it is perhaps understandable that even avid
R users can overlook the base R graphics system. This is
unfortunate, because base R offers very powerful and flexible plotting
facilities.2 The downside of this power and flexibility is that base
R plotting can require a lot of manual tinkering. A case in point is
plotting grouped data with an appropriate legend. Doing so with the
generic plot()
function can require several function calls or a loop,
fiddling with your plot regions, and then generating the legend
The tinyplot package aims to remove this overhead. It provides a
lightweight extension of the base R graphics system that preserves the
same core logic and syntax, but with numerous convenience features to
make base R plotting a more user-friendly experience. For example, the
core tinyplot()
function—or its shorthand alias plt()
—makes it easy
to plot grouped datasets and generate automatic legends in a single
function call. Or, you can display groups in separate facets without
having to worry about manually setting plot regions. While tinyplot
offers these and various other enhancements, it tries as far as possible
to be a drop-in replacement for the equivalent base plotting function.
Users should generally be able to swap out a valid plot()
call for
without any changes to the expected output.
It is worth emphasizing that tinyplot requires only base R. It has zero recursive dependencies and we have been careful to keep its installation size down to a minimum. tinyplot should thus provide an attractive and lightweight option for package developers (or regular R users!) who would like to produce convenient and sophisticated plots, combined with a minimal footprint.
The tinyplot website includes a detailed introductory tutorial, with numerous examples. But here are some quickstart examples of the package in action.
Grouped scatterplot with automatic legend:
# with(iris, tinyplot(x = Petal.Length, y = Sepal.Length, by = Species)) # atomic
tinyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length | Species, data = iris) # formula
If you would prefer to save on a few keystrokes, you can use the
shorthand plt()
alias instead instead of typing out tinyplot()
full. Here’s the same plot with this shorthand alias, plus a few
aesthetic tweaks:
Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length | Species,
data = iris,
palette = "dark", pch = 16,
grid = TRUE, frame = FALSE
Speaking of aesthetic tweaks, tinyplot also provides a set of built-in themes for convenient plot customization:
plt(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length | Species, data = iris)
Themes are persistent and will be applied to subsequent plots. For example, here is a grouped grouped density plot:
~ Petal.Length | Species,
data = iris,
type = "density",
fill = "by",
main = "Distribution of petal lengths",
sub = "Grouped by species"
Grouped scatterplot with (continuous) gradient legend, combined with facet layout:
Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length | Sepal.Length, data = iris,
facet = ~Species, pch = 19,
main = "Faceted flowers", sub = "Brought to you by tinyplot"
# reset the theme
Hopefully, these have been enough to pique your interest. Head over to the intro tutorial for many more examples, including model-based and custom plot types.
You could make a strong case that ggplot2, in particular, is the most influential graphics library of the last two decades, across any programming language. Both ggplot2 and lattice are built on top of the lower-level grid package, which was incorporated into the base R distribution way back in R 2.0.0. ↩
Just type
into your R console to get an idea. Or, take a look at these two excellent tutorials. ↩