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Bitcoin Docker container

A Docker container running Bitcoin as a service and exposing the REST API.


Ensure that a user dockeruser with ID 10000 exists on your local system.


Modify docker/bitcoin.conf according to your environment (see doc).

Configure rpcallowip=... to allow the client/daemon to accept RPC connections outside the localhost and set an RPC username (rpcuser) and password (rpcpassword).

Make sure your config file includes the following line:


Client data is persisted on the host machine using a Docker volume. In the default setting the local directory ./data is mapped to to /opt/graphsense/data inside the container. To override these settings a Docker Compose override file can be used, e.g.

> cat docker-compose.override.yml
version: "3.1"

      - /var/data/graphsense/clients/btc:/opt/graphsense/data

The data directory on the host system must be writeable by user dockeruser.


Building the docker container (a tagged GitHub version of Bitcoin is specified in docker/Makefile):

docker-compose build

Starting the container (in detached mode):

docker-compose up -d

Showing log information:

docker-compose logs