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greipadmin edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 20 revisions

Greip - Additional SWT Widgets

Currently Greip contains the following widgets:

  • Calculator, a nice calculator for text widgets or as whole widget.
  • ColorButton, a button that represents a color and use one of this color choosers:
    • ColorChooserHSB, selects a color by hue, brightness and saturation.
    • ColorChooserRGB, selects a color by red, green, blue.
    • ColorWheel, selects a color from a color wheel.
    • ColorCircleChooser, selects a color by hue, brightness and saturation. The hue is selected by a color circle.
    • ColorPicker, selects a color from a predefined or user defined color list.
  • FontButton allow the user to select a font.
  • Picture, a widget that displays a picture (including animated GIFs).
  • Separator, a separator line with text and image.
  • StyledLabel, a label widget for formatted text.
  • Tile, a powerful widget with many formatted text sections and a graphical decorator.

Greip also contains the following useful classes:

  • Decorators, decorates controls with graphical content.
    • ImageDecorator, displays a picture (including animated GIFs).
    • PercentageDecorator, displays a percentage value as animated graphic.
    • ShapeDecorator, displays a integer value as animated graphic.
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