A simple tool for monitoring the progress of OpenFOAM simulations
foamMon can be installed from the Pypi repositories
pip3 install foamMon
or directly from this repo
python3 setup.py install --user
pip install foamMon
If installing under ubuntu with user privileges make sure that '$HOME/.local/bin' is added to your '$PATH'. If necessary add
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
to your ~/.bashrc file
To monitor the progress of simulations simply run 'foamMon' in a parent directory. Check 'foamMon --help' for further options.
Fields displayed by default can be hidden by setting the corresponding flag to "False"
--progressbar (True|False) Display the progressbar [default: True]
--folder (True|False) Display the foldername [default: True]
--logfile (True|False) Display the filename of the logfile [default: True]
--time (True|False) Display the the current simulation time [default: True]
--writeout (True|False) Display expected writeout [default: True]
--remaining (True|False) Display expected remaining simulation time [default: True]
Custom fields can be added by setting the '--custom_filter' argument in the form of '{"Name": "Regex"}'.
--custom_filter '{"Temperature": "T gas min/max = ([0-9,. ]*)", "deltaT": "deltaT = ([0-9.e-]*)"}'
The log files need to have log in the filename.