Key Features • Installation • How To Use • Credits • License •
- Cross-platform - utilizes GLFW to handle native window management
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac
- Adjustable frame rate
- Custom resolution
- Modifiable color scheme
- Required modules - to clone and build this aplication the following must be installed:
- Building - From the command line run the following commands:
# Clone the repository, and enter the directory
git clone
cd CHIP-8
# Create the build directory (out of source build) and enter it
mkdir build
cd build
# Run CMake build system
cmake ..
- Compilation - platform dependent
- Linux and Mac systems (Windows as well if MiniGW is installed) can simply run make to create an executable
- Windows systems will have to open the .sln file produced by CMake with Visual Studios and compile/run from there
- Main-menu - Command Line Interface
- ROMs are numbered from 1-7, simply specify the number that corresponds to the desired ROM and press enter
- 0 to exit
- CHIP-8 - ROM Interpreter
- ESC to exit any time
- Windowing features such as minimizing, maximizing, closing, and resizing work in their native expected way
- default keybindings:
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|1|2|3|C| |1|2|3|4|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|4|5|6|D| |Q|W|E|R|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|7|8|9|E| |A|S|D|F|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|A|0|B|F| |Z|X|C|V|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
- Developed and maintained by Gleb Reznicov
- Contributors:
- Opcode debugging and remaining implementations done by mobius1musaasum
- Mac OSX debugging done by Xin Song Felix Zhang
- The following open source software/packages were used:
- Chip-8 documentation:
- ROMs provided by dmatlack's ROM compilation