Version 1
Last Updated January 16, 2019
This python script creates a shapefile and csv file of Locational Marginal Pricing Nodes in CAISO and most of WECC from the json data that is used in the map found at:
This repository contains:
- used to create a new csv file and shapefile
- LMP: folder that contains the shapefile (current as of January 16, 2019)
- LMP_coordinates.csv: contains latitude, longitude, balancing area, node ID, and node type
This code adapts a function that was deleted from WattTime/pyiso/ commit c99beaf44436753d30e48cc7f8f692d3a524d2c5 committed by r24mille on Dec 14, 2017
This data is pulled from the json file located at
The following is the document tree for the json file with a description of each of the data points included
<PriceContourLayer> <l>3</l>
<PriceCountourMarker> #each LMP node
<c xmlns:d6p1="">
<d6p1:decimal>40.53944</d6p1:decimal> #latitude
<d6p1:decimal>-111.89667</d6p1:decimal> #longitude
<dc>52.81386</dc> #Day-ahead energy $
<dg>-3.52064</dg> #Day-ahead congestion $
<dk>0</dk> #price color code
<dl>-2.26571</dl> #Day-ahead losses $
<do>1</do> #unique ordering key for each node
<dp>47.02751</dp> #Day-ahead price $
<fc>56.60284</fc> #Fifteen Minute Market energy $
<fg>0</fg> #FMM congestion $
<fl>-3.01127</fl> #FMM losses $
<fp>53.59157</fp> #FMM price $
<n>118THSO_LNODER1</n> #Node Name
<p>LOAD</p> #Load Type
<qc>73.41486</qc> #Real-Time Dispatch energy $
<qg>-0.0024</qg> #RTD congestion $
<ql>-3.94959</ql> #RTD losses $
<qp>69.46287</qp> #RTD price $