We want to optimize the generation of electricity for REE ('Red Eléctrica Española', Spanish electric grid operator). In order to do that, we must adjust the energy produced by the different facilities which are grouped by technology and region, taking into account:
- The national energy demand must be met (this is critical, obviously!).
- To achieve the objectives agreed upon to fight climate change, the emissions of CO2 are capped.
- Each region has a certain maximum capacity to produce energy in each of the different ways. Each region has a certain maximum capacity to produce energy in each of the different ways.
The project was inspired by an assignment from an Optimization course in my Master's program.
production.csv. The input data already extracted and preprocessed from the data sources shown below.
energy_prod_spain.ipynb. Jupyter notebook with the code and explanations.
Annual Energy Outlook 2019 by the US Energy Information Adminisistration (EIA)
Report from the Covenant of Mayors SEAP report
Hope you like it!