An open-source solution for creating personalized and customizable web pages for your hyperlinks.
Introduction · Local Development · Tech Stack · Contributing
Linkleaf is your go-to open-source solution, providing a flexible alternative for building and sharing personalized web pages dedicated to your collection of hyperlinks.
To set up Linkleaf locally, clone this repository, and configure the environment variables as specified in the .env.example
Once configured, use the following commands to run the application locally:
bun install
bun run build
bun run start
- Next.js – framework
- Typescript – language
- Tailwind – CSS
- Mantine - Components
- Wirelytic – analytics
- NextAuth.js – auth
- Stripe – payments
- Vercel – deployments
We welcome contributions from the community! Here's how you can get involved:
- Report a bug or request a feature
- Make a pull request to add new features/make quality-of-life improvements/fix bugs.
Linkleaf is released as open-source under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPLv3) or any subsequent version. To access the license details, please visit LICENSE.