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Graceful Controller

This implement a controller based on "A Smooth Control Law for Graceful Motion of Differential Wheeled Mobile Robots in 2D Environments" by Park and Kuipers, ICRA 2011.

Currently this does not implement section IV.B of the paper (which describes how to switch between poses along a path). Instead this controller has a naive approach which attempts to find the farthest pose in the path which is both A) less than some maximum lookahead distance away, and B) reachable (without collision) using our control law (as determined by a forward simulation). We call this the target_pose.

ROS Topics

As with nearly all navigation local controllers, our controller outputs both a global path and a local path as a nav_msgs::Path.

The "local path" is derived through a forward simulation of where the robot is expected to travel by iteratively applying the control law. Unlike the DWA controller, our forward simulation is NOT based on applying the same command throughout a fixed simulation time, but rather based on calling our control law multiple times as we forward simulate our path to the "target pose". As long as the acceleration limits are correctly specified, and the robot controllers can execute the velocities commanded, this will be the true path that the robot will follow.

An additional topic that is unique to our controller is the "target_pose" topic which is a geometry_msgs::PoseStamped. This is published every time we compute the command velocity for the robot and tells you which pose in the global plan we are using for computing the control law. It is potentially helpful in debugging parameter tuning issues.


The underlying control law has several parameters which are best described by the original paper, these include:

  • k1 - controls convergence of control law (slow subsystem). A value of 0 reduces the controller to pure waypoint-following with no curvature. For a high k1 value, theta will be reduced faster than r.
  • k2 - controls convergence of control law (fast subsystem). A higher value of k2 will reduce the distance of the path to the target, thus decreasing the path's curvature.
  • lambda - controls speed scaling based on curvature. A higher value of lambda results in more sharply peaked curves.
  • beta - controls speed scaling based on curvature. A higher value of beta lets the robot's velocity drop more quickly as K increases. K is the curvature of the path resulting from the control law (based on k1 and k2).

Several parameters are used for selecting and simulating the target pose used to compute the control law:

  • max_lookahead - the target pose cannot be further than this distance away from the robot. A good starting value for this is usually about 1m. Using poses that are further away will generally result in smoother operations, but simulating poses that are very far away can result in reduced performance, especially in tight or cluttered environments. If the controller cannot forward simulate to a pose this far away without colliding, it will iteratively select a target pose that is closer to the robot.
  • min_lookhead - the target pose cannot be closer than this distance away from the robot. This parameter avoids instability when an unexpected obstacle appears in the path of the robot by returning failure, which typically triggers replanning.
  • acc_dt - this parameter is used to set the maximum velocity that the control law can use when generating velocities during the path simulation.

There are several major "features" that are optional and configured through one or more parameters:

  • odom_topic - by setting this parameter to the name of the odometry topic, the controller will subscribe to the odometry topic and limit the control law velocities to those that are feasible based on the current robot velocity. Without odometry, performance will be degraded.
  • use_vel_topic - in ROS1 there is no standard way of defining a "speed limit map". If this parameter is set to true, the controller will subscribe to a std_msgs::Float32 topic called "max_vel_x" and use this to supercede our max_vel_x parameter.
  • initial_rotate_tolerance - when the robot is pointed in a very different direction from the path, the control law (depending on k1 and k2) may generate large sweeping arcs. To avoid this potentially undesired behavior when the robot begins executing a new path, the controller can produce an initial in-place rotation to get the robot headed towards the path before it starts using the control law to follow it. The initial rotate tolerance is the maximum angular difference (in radians) between robot heading and the target pose. This feature can be disabled by setting initial_rotate_tolerance to 0.0.
  • prefer_final_rotation - similar to the initial rotation issue many plans may cause large arcs at the end of a path because the orientation of the final pose is significantly different from the direction the robot would drive to follow the path as planned. By setting prefer_final_rotation to true, the orientation of the final pose will be ignored and the robot will more closely follow the path as planned and then produce a final in-place rotation to align the robot heading with the goal.
  • latch_xy_goal_tolerance - similar to many other local controllers in ROS, this will prevent hunting around the goal by latching the XY portion of the goal when the robot is within the goal tolerance. The robot will then rotate to the final heading (while possibly being outside of the real XY goal tolerance).
  • compute_orientations - if the global planner does not compute orientations for the poses in the path, this should be set to true.
  • use_orientation_filter - since the controller is highly dependent on the angular heading of the target pose it is important the angular values are smooth. Some global planners may produce very unsmooth headings due to discretization error. This optional filuter can be used to smooth out the orientations of the global path based on the yaw_filter_tolerance and yaw_gap_tolerance.
  • yaw_filter_tolerance - a higher value here allows a path to be more zig-zag, a lower filter value will filter out poses whose headings diverge from an overall "beeline" between the poses around it. units: radians
  • yaw_gap_tolerance - this is the maximum distance between poses, and so even if a pose exceeds the filter tolerance it will not be removed if the gap between the pose before and after it would exceed this value. units: meters.
  • max_x_to_max_theta_scale_factor - This limits the actual maximum angular velocity relative to the current maximum x velocity (which is possibly changing according to the max_vel_x ROS topic). At any moment in time, the maximum angular velocity is the minimum of the absolute max (max_vel_theta, see below) and this parameter multiplied by the current maximum x velocity. This allows enforcing slower rotation in circumstances with lower linear velocity limits. This parameter's default value is high, so whne not configured, angular velocity will be limited only by max_vel_theta. Units: rad/m, technically.

Most of the above parameters can be left to their defaults and work well on a majority of robots. The following parameters, however, really do depend on the robot platform itself and must be set as accurately as possible:

  • acc_lim_x - this is likely the most important parameter to set properly. If the acceleration limits are overestimated the robot will not be able to follow the generated commands. During braking, this can cause the robot to crash into obstacles. Units: meters/sec^2.
  • acc_lim_theta - the same notes as for acc_lim_x, but in rad/sec^2.
  • decel_lim_x - (new in 0.4.3) this acceleration limit is used only within the underlying control law. It controls how quickly the robot slows as it approaches the goal (or an obstacle blocking the path, which causes the target_pose to be closer). If this is left as the default of 0.0, the controller will use the same acc_lim_x. Units: meters/sec^2.
  • max_vel_x - this is the maximum velocity the controller is allowed to specify. Units: meters/sec.
  • min_vel_x - when the commanded velocities have a high curvature, the robot is naturally slowed down (see the ICRA paper for details). The minimum velocity is the lowest velocity that will be generated when not executing an in-place rotation. Most robots have some amount of friction in their drivetrain and casters and cannot accurately move forward at speeds below some threshold, especially if also trying to turn slightly at the same time. Units: meters/sec.
  • max_vel_theta - the absolute maximum rotation velocity that will be produced by the control law. Units: rad/sec.
  • min_in_place_vel_theta - this is the minimum rotation velocity that will be used for in-place rotations. As with min_vel_x, this is largely hardware dependent since the robot has some minimum rotational velocity that can be reliably controlled. Units: rad/sec.
  • xy_goal_tolerance - this is the linear distance within which we consider the goal reached. When prefer_final_rotation is set to true, we will only generate final rotations once this tolerance is met. Units: meters.
  • yaw_goal_tolerance - this is the angular distance within which we consider the goal reached. Units: radians.
  • xy_vel_goal_tolerance - this is the maximum linear velocity the robot can be moving in order to switch to final in place rotation, latch the goal, or report that the goal has been reached. This parameter is ignored if no odom_topic is set.
  • yaw_vel_goal_tolerance - this is the maximum angular velocity the robot can be moving in order to switch to final in place rotation, latch the goal, or report that the goal has been reached. This parameter is ignored if no odom_topic is set.

A final feature of the controller is footprint inflation at higher speeds. This helps avoid collisions by increasing the padding around the robot as the speed increases. This behavior is controlled by three parameters:

  • scaling_vel_x - above this speed, the footprint will be scaled up. units: meters/sec.
  • scaling_factor - this is how much the footprint will be scaled when we are moving at max_vel_x. The actual footprint size will be: 1.0 + scaling_factor * (vel - scaling_vel_x) / (max_vel_x - scaling_vel_x). By default, this is set to 0.0 and thus disabled.
  • scaling_step - this is how much we will drop the simulated velocity when retrying a particular target_pose.

Example: our robot has a max velocity of 1.0 meters/second, scaling_vel_x of 0.5 meters/second, and a scaling_factor of 1.0. For a particular target_pose, if we are simulating the trajectory at 1.0 meters/second, then the footprint will be multiplied in size by a factor of 2.0. Suppose this triggers a collision in simulation of the path and that our scaling_step is 0.1 meters/second. The controller will re-simulate at 0.9 meters/second, and now our footprint will only be scaled by a factor of 1.8. If this were not collision free, the controller would re-simulate with a velocity of 0.8 meters/second and a scaling of 1.6.

Example Config

There is an example configuration for running this controller on the UBR1 in ROS1 simulation in the ubr_reloaded repository.


There are two ROS packages in this repo, with different licenses, since we're really trying to blend two license-incompatible code bases:

  • graceful_controller - is LGPL licensed and is the low-level control law implementation, as originally implemented in the fetch_open_auto_dock package.
  • graceful_controller_ros - is BSD licensed and is the actual ROS wrapper and glue logic to connect to the ROS Navigation stack. It leverages code from base_local_planner and dwa_local_planner packages in the ROS Navigation stack.