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Catholic Bible Reference Parser ✝️

💖 Vanilla JS Bible reference parser. 📜 Fast. Cross-browser compatible. Supports IE6+

Visit the Demo page:

How to use:

1️⃣ Add the library scripts to your HTML file (commonly in the head section)

<script type="text/javascript" src="biblebooks.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bibleparser.js"></script>

2️⃣ Create a new BibleParser object and call its parseText() method:

<script type="text/javascript">
	var bp = new BibleParser();		
	if (bp.parseText(astring)) {
		//bp.validRefs now contains an array of objects with the references found in astring		

parseText(astring, vtype)


astring: input string

vtype: (optional. default="bcv") string with validation type can be one of "b" "bc" "bcv" or "bcva"

  • "b": validates book names and prefix number
  • "bc": also validates chapter numbers
  • "bcv": also validates verse numbers
  • "bcva": also validates "addendum" verses e.g. Genesis 1:4-7.9.11 (".9.11")


Boolean: true or false. Returns true if it found at least one valid reference. The references are stored in validRefs property as array of objects. This is an example of two references objects:

validRefs[0]: {
validRefs[1]: {
"ref":"Gen 24:34-37.38.56ab",

More info and Other methods:

allowsections property. (Default: false)

Set allowsections to true after creating a BibleParser object if you want to include verse section letters in verses e.g. "12ab" in (Genesis 2:12ab). (This property doesn't affect validation, only affects the string of the verses.)

//use allowsections if you want sections (letters) of verses to appear on verses strings (e.g. Genesis 2:12ab)   
// if true verse == "12ab"	if false (default) verse == "12"
bp.allowsections = true;

normalizeRefs(string, lang, mode)

Given a string, a language locale (default "en") and a mode (1 for short book names, 0 for long book names) it returns the string with the references normalized (uniformly adjusted to the specified format).


//assumes there is an instance of BibleParser object named bp
var myString = bp.normalizeRefs(document.getElementById("Myparagraph1").innerHTML, "en", 1);


Returns a boolean. True if validRefs is populated with valid references after parseText was called.


Returns the number of valid references parsed and saved in validRefs after a call to parseText().


Returns a formatted HTML string with all the references and their data.


For localization follow the instructions in file biblebooks.js. It supports English and Spanish language by default, and you don't need to do anything if you only need those languages.

Support / Tips


Thanks for your support! It will allow me to continue developments and start new projects. Blessings.

«I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.» (Gen. 12:3)