set a reminder for all users in a channel directly using a single command
[A placeholder for a list of cool badges, coming soonish]
The good old /remind
slash command that comes by default with slack, doesnt handle channels' reminders in the way it is
super useful normally. When you need to actually broadcast a message to everyone, making sure they will be prompted directly
at some point, falls short, by only showing a dull message no one will pay attention to.
It's the place the custom app comes to the rescue, making it possible to issue a channel-wide /remindall
with virtually the same syntax as the original one, that then registers direct reminders to everyone participating in
the channel. Except for bots - those poor things can't yet have reminders registered for themselves (as of Dec 2018)
Take an update of a software you just compiled for your team. Gotta spread the word now!
Usually, and this is proven by years of practice, it takes 3 prompts minimum for a developer to acknowledge anything that isn't a new version of their favourite programming language, or a game update on Steam. So imagine how many hours of your life this single tool will spare in the long run
Disclaimerinho: Me being a dev myself
=== All feedback & PRs highly appreciated ===
Just invoke this in a channel and you're good
/remindall about something very important in 1 hour
(see further down for a sample output on Slack)
- python 3.6+
- (optional) ngrok
- clone the repo
git clone
- setup virtualenv:
virtualenv pyenv -p python3.6
- activate venv:
. pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -f requirements.txt
- (when behind a proxy) start your
instance first
ngrok http 3000
- start the flask server
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET={{ slack_remind_all_secret }} \
SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN={{ slack_remind_all_oauth }} \
python {{ slack_remind_all_location }}/slack_remind_all/
by default the app listens on port 3000
, and it's currently fixed, but you can change that with a pinch of python.
please note: provisioned service is exposed via http on a container's port, so need a SSL terminating proxy to function best
- proper CI, test-coverage for the python part, shiny badges, etc. We all love those!
- standalone cross-workspace app on own server (but only if folks actually need it!) - The AI language education platform - Technology design, delivery and consulting
Built with love using python, Slack & Ansible by Grzegorz Nowak