A weather dashboard that shows the current weather status for the searched city and displays 5-day forecast.
- Visit the application at: https://gsgghotra.github.io/Weather-Forecast-Dashboard/
A weather dashboard with form inputs.
When a user searches for a city they are presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city is added to the search history.
The search bar uses auto complition tool to prevent human errors.
When a user views the current weather conditions for that city they are presented with:
- The city name
- The date
- An icon representation of weather conditions
- The temperature
- The humidity
- The wind speed
When a user view future weather conditions for that city they are presented with a 5-day forecast that displays:
- The date
- An icon representation of weather conditions
- The temperature
- The humidity
- When a user click on a city in the search history they are again presented with current and future conditions for that city
- Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery
- Email: gsgghotra@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: gsgghotra