julia> ]
pkg> add NSGAII
using NSGAII
n = 20 #Number of items
p1 = [77,94,71,63,96,82,85,75,72,91,99,63,84,87,79,94,90,60,69,62] #Coeffs objective 1
p2 = [65,90,90,77,95,84,70,94,66,92,74,97,60,60,65,97,93,60,69,74] #Coeffs objective 2
w = [80,87,68,72,66,77,99,85,70,93,98,72,100,89,67,86,91,79,71,99] #Items weights
c = 900 #Knapsack capacity
The four mandatory parameters of NSGAII are
- the size of the population
- the number of generations
- an initialization function
- an evaluation function
using Random: bitrand
using LinearAlgebra: dot
popsize = 100
nbgen = 200
init() = bitrand(n) #our genotype is a binary vector of size n, initialized randomly
z(x) = dot(x, p1), dot(x, p2) #and our objectives are the sum of the items we pick
Now, this would be enough to run nsga-2 with
nsga_max(popsize, nbgen, z, init)
But we need to add the constraint that all items must fit in the knapsack.
For this we define a constraint-violation function that returns 0 only if the solution is feasible,
and a value > 0 otherwise.
function CV(x)
sumW = dot(x, w)
return sumW <= c ? 0 : sumW - c
#We can now call
result = nsga_max(popsize, nbgen, z, init, fCV = CV)
will be a vector of individuals.
The revelant fields of an individual indiv
are :
- genotype :
- objective values :
- rank :
- constraint violation value :
If the solutions are encoded as bitstrings, a 2-point crossover will be used by default, but we can define our own and assign it with the keyword fcross
function one_point_crossover!(parent_a, parent_b, child_a, child_b)
n = length(parent_a)
cut = rand(1:n-1)
child_a[1:cut] .= parent_a[1:cut]
child_a[cut+1:n] .= parent_b[cut+1:n]
child_b[1:cut] .= parent_b[1:cut]
child_b[cut+1:n] .= parent_a[cut+1:n]
nsga_max(popsize, nbgen, z, init, fCV = CV, fcross = one_point_crossover!)
For permutations genotypes, the default crossover is the PMX (Partially-Mapped Crossover)
The default mutation for a binary vector is the bitstring mutation where each bit has a probability 1/l to be flipped (where l is the length of the vector)
As with crossovers, we can define or own mutation operator and assign it with the keyword fmut
. The probability of mutation can be changed with the keyword pmut
Let's say we want our mutation to flip two random bits :
function two_bits_flip!(bits)
for i = 1:2
n = rand(1:length(bits))
bits[n] = 1 - bits[n]
nsga_max(popsize, nbgen, z, init, fCV = CV, fmut = two_bits_flip!, pmut = 0.2)
For permutations genotypes, the default mutation randomly swaps two indices.
Starting solutions can be provided as a vector with the keyword seed
, for example :
x1 = greedy(p1, w, c)
x2 = greedy(p2, w, c)
x3 = greedy(p1 .+ p2, w, c)
nsga_max(popsize, nbgen, z, init, fCV = CV, seed = [x1, x2, x3])
Make sure the type of your seeds is the same as the one given by calling init()
A plot function can be passed with the keyword fplot
, by default the population is plotted at every generation but this can be changed with the keyword plotevery
Example with PyPlot :
using PyPlot
function plot_pop(P)
clf() #clears the figure
P = filter(indiv -> indiv.rank == 1, P) #keep only the non-dominated solutions
plot(map(x -> x.y[1], P), map(x -> x.y[2], P), "bo", markersize = 1)
nsga_max(popsize, nbgen, z, init, fCV = CV, fplot = plot_pop, plotevery = 5)
You can use BinaryCoding(ϵ::Int, lb::Vector, ub::Vector)
to encode real variables with a precision ϵ
, and with lower and upper bounds lb
and ub
Example : MOP7 from Van Valedhuizen’s Test Suite
using NSGAII
using Plots: scatter3d
f1(x1,x2) = ((x1-2)^2)/2 + ((x2+1)^2)/13 + 3
f2(x1,x2) = ((x1+x2-3)^2)/36 + ((-x1+x2+2)^2)/8 - 17
f3(x1,x2) = ((x1+2x2-1)^2)/175 + ((-x1+2x2)^2)/17 - 13
z(x) = f1(x[1], x[2]), f2(x[1], x[2]), f3(x[1], x[2])
#Encodes two variables -400 <= x_i <= 400, with a precision of 1E-4
const bc = BinaryCoding(4, [-400, -400], [400, 400])
function plot_pop(pop)
pop = filter(indiv -> indiv.rank <= 1, pop) #keeps only the non-dominated solutions
scatter3d(map(x -> x.y[1], pop), map(x -> x.y[2], pop), map(x -> x.y[3], pop), markersize = 1) |> display
nsga(500, 100, z, bc, seed = [[1.,-1.],[2.5,0.5],[0.5,0.25]], fplot = plot_pop)
- The initialization function isn't needed anymore.
- The seed is passed as a vector of phenotypes, not a vector of genotypes, it is automatically encoded.
You can also use BinaryCoding(ϵ::Int, types, lb, ub)
to encode a mix of integer, continuous or binary variables, with types
a vector of symbols : ( :Int | :Cont | :Bin )
The progress bar can be disabled by calling nsga(..., showprogress = false