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Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
	1.1 Advanced printing features
	1.2 SD card features
	1.3 Robustness features
	1.4 General features
2.0 Before Building
3.0 Building Sailfish
	3.1 Advanced building
4.0 Credits

1.0 Introduction

The Sailfish firmware is an enhanced firmware for Makerbot printers containing features intended for advanced users. These features fall into several broad categories:

  1. Advanced printing features such as changing the printing speed and temperature while printing.
  2. More robust error handling.
  3. Additional features such as support for high capacity SD cards and file folders on SD cards.
  4. Support for different bot mechanics and drive systems (e.g., Core-XY, H-gantry, different sized axes, different motion constraints, different LCD hardware, alternate serial comms, etc.).

The bot's firmware is the software which resides within the bot and controls the bot's behavior. It is the software which receives printing instructions from MakerWare, ReplicatorG, SD card files, and other desktop programs and then executes them to create your 3D print. Sailfish has existed since late 2011 and is based upon a combination of the RepRap Marlin and MBI Gen 4 firmwares. Sailfish builds upon Marlin with an improved "Advance" algorithm as well as a five to six times faster acceleration planner. (MBI independently measured it to be ten times faster relative to their own port of Marlin.) The faster planner is achieved by using fixed point arithmetic rather than floating point math which the microprocessor in Makerbots and many DIY 3D printers cannot do in hardware and must emulate in software. Additional performance gains are had through careful optimization of the computations (e.g., elimination of frequent square and square root calculations by working in velocity-squared space rather than velocity space).

Sailfish was originally known as the "Jetty Firmware". In early Fall of 2012, MBI adopted the core acceleration and printing control code of Sailfish into their own firmware, abandoning their own port of Marlin. However, MBI's firmware does not include many of the more advanced features of Sailfish -- in part because of the limited program space in Makerbots and MBI's need to use much of that space for "first run" features.

What follows is a description of features found in Sailfish which are not part of the MBI firmware for Makerbots. A good number of these features are also found in RepRap firmwares; they are not necessarily unique to Sailfish.

1.1 Advanced printing features

  1. Change the printing speed from the LCD display while printing.
  2. Change the extrusion temperature from the LCD display while printing.
  3. At the end of a print, the total print time and the amount of filament used is displayed.
  4. At the end of a print, you can elect to repeat the same print: no need to go through screens reselecting the file. Quite useful when asking an associate, spouse, or child to repeat a print several times.
  5. "Ditto" printing for dual extruder printers: simultaneously print the same model twice using both extruders or do other clever tricks.
  6. Override temperatures found in gcode with different temperatures: useful for redoing a series of prints at different temperatures without having to reslice.
  7. Control whether or not heaters are left active when prints are paused.
  8. Jog the axes when a print is paused so as to make mid print filament loading easier. The axes' position is automatically restored when the print is resumed.
  9. On printers with a most two heaters, a line of the LCD display provides constantly updated build statistics: filament used, percent complete, elapsed time, estimated time remaining, and current height.
  10. Much finer control of the height to pause at with Pause @ ZPos: MBI's firmware only allows specification to the nearest millimeter whereas Sailfish allows 0.01 mm resolution.
  11. Multiple Pause @ ZPos positions may be specified in gcode.
  12. When used in conjunction with GPX, automatic compensation for different filament diameters when placing Pause @ ZPos commands within your gcode.
  13. Support for Emergency stop and Pause stop hardware. Pause stop hardware allows a print to gracefully be paused when hardware detects a temporary problem such as filament running out or being snagged. Once the condition is resolved, the print may be resumed.

1.2 SD card features

  1. Support for file folders on SD cards.
  2. Support for high capacity SD cards (e.g., 4, 8, 16, 32 GB, etc.).
  3. Support for the FAT-32 file system.
  4. Support for the Toshiba AirFlash Wi-Fi card: send files to your bot over Wi-Fi.
  5. SD card error detection and correction.
  6. Long filenames are allowed; long file names scroll in the display so that the entire name can be viewed. MBI's firmware limits file names to 15 characters, not including the mandatory, case-sensitive ".x3g" extension.
  7. Ability to save and restore the bot's internal settings -- onboard preferences -- to an SD card. Backup your bot's settings or quickly transfer them to another bot.

1.3 Robustness features

  1. Improved error handling and reporting of heater errors. For example, on bots with more than one heater, the heater errors indicate which heater the error message refers to. No more trying to figure out if it's your HBP or extruder (and which one) which is failing.
  2. MBI's firmware does not return errors when printing over USB. This typically results in gcode instructions being dropped. Often that is benign and merely results in a slight printing blemish (i.e., a dropped G1 command), but in some instances can and will result in prints being ruined. For example, there's been cases of commands to re-enable stepper motor currents being lost, and commands to turn off extruders lost. Sailfish actually returns errors when printing over USB so that MakerWare and RepG can intelligently handle the problem.
  3. Improved SD error messages: finer detail on what failed with the SD card ( MBI's firmware often produces a message indicating that the SD card is not formatted as FAT-16 when the actual error is something else entirely. This because the firmware lumps about five or six different error cases into one.
  4. Additional safety features:

1.4 General features

  1. Support for Core-XY and H-gantry drive systems and other alternate hardwares (e.g., I2C LCDs, alternate serials comms, alternate thermocouple chips, etc.).
  2. Track your filament usage: storage and recall of used filament counters; filament "odometers".
  3. Better print quality. Sailfish is careful to run critically timed operations at the highest priority in the microprocessor. Unfortunately, not so in the MBI firmware. When printing very fine detail at high print speeds, this can make a difference. Also, when printing over USB, the fact that the firmware returns error messages actually leads to improved print quality. When no error message is returned as is the case with MBI's firmware, MakerWare and RepG actually pause waiting for a response and then just resend the same command which may then fails again, leading to another pause. These pauses can leave the bot sitting idle, producing a small, extra blob of plastic on the print and visible as pimples when they occur on the outer surface. By returning error messages, these pauses are avoided.
  4. Improved levelling script: allows you to move the extruder to any location over the build platform as many times as you want and however you want. No more checking just a few predefined points.
  5. Extruder hold feature for use with 3mm extruders which have higher internal pressure and thus more significant problems when the gcode gratuitiously disables the extruder motors. This feature allows gcode commands to disable the extruder to be ignored. (Some slicers like to generate many such commands.)
  6. More precise and stable heater control: MBI's firmware introduces an additional +/- 1C of measurement error in their PID control.

2.0 Before Building

In order to build Sailfish, you must first install

  1. An avr-gcc toolchain. Version 4.6.2 is strongly recommended. Earlier versions have a bug in the floating point implementation. Later versions will present difficulties owing to vacillation in the methods of declaring PROGMEM data. If you use a different versionof the avr-gcc toolchain, then you're on your own.

  2. The SCons build tool. MBI chose to use SCons for their build tool and Sailfish follows that choice. You will need to install SCons ("scons").

See the markdown document docs/avr-gcc.markdown contained in the Sailfish source distribution for information on building an avr-gcc toolchain. Additionally, there are scripts in dist/build-avr-gcc/ to build an avr-gcc toolchain. The script for cygwin is a "work in progress".

3.0 Building Sailfish

To build Sailfish move to the firmware/ directory of the source distribution and issue a scons command of the form shown here,

% cd firmware
% scons platform=<platform-name>

where <platform-name> is the name of a supported platform (e.g., mighty_one). To obtain a list of all platform names, issue the command

% python src/

As of this writing, the output of that command is

% python src/
mighty_one-corexy ff_creator-2560 ff_creatorx-2560 wanhao_dup4 mighty_twox
ff_creator mighty_one mighty_one-2560-corexy mighty_twox-2560 mighty_two
mighty_one-2560 mighty_two-2560 mighty_one-2560-max31855

Note that mighty-one is the name that Makerbot gave to the firmware for the original MightyBoard -- the MightyBoard rev E -- used in the Replicator 1. Sailfish uses the same name as well as the name Makerbot gave for the Replicator 2 firmware,

% scons platform=mighty_two

However, Makerbot uses the same platform name -- mighty_two -- for both the Replicator 2 and Replicator 2X. Sailfish takes a departure and instead builds separate firmwares for the two. To build firmware for the Replicator 2X, use the platform name mighty_twox,

% scons platform=mighty_twox

By doing this, Sailfish saves code space in the Replicator 2 build by not including features needed by the Replicator 2X. That saved code space is then used to provide additional features for the Replicator 2 such as the running build stats ticker showing elapsed time, estimated time remaining, filament used, etc.

After building a binary, the resulting hex file may be found in the directory


3.1 Advanced building

When building, additional features may be compiled in by means of command line parameters to the scons command. See the src/SConscript.mightyboard file for all the possible parameters. For example, to generate a Replicator 1 build for a board using the MAX31855 chip, issue the command

% scons platform=mighty_one max31855=1

Additional parameters may be supplied on the command line. E.g.,

% scons platform=mighty_one max31855=1 core_xy=1

General compiler defines, -Dxxxx, can also be supplied. The command,

% scons platform=mighty_one defines=AUTO_LEVEL,DEBUG

will add -DAUTO_LEVEL and -DDEBUG switches to each compile command.

If you will often be building a custom build, consider writing your own platform definition and placing it in the file


See the file firmware/src/ for information on the contents of that file. The following sample file defines a platform named franken-board which is, essentially a Replicator 1 with an ATmega2560, Core-XY drive train (CORE_XY), additional serial comms support (ALTERNATE_UART), MAX31855 chips (MAX31855), a large power supply which can drive all heaters and steppers concurrently (HEATERS_ON_STEROIDS), and includes support for the running build stats ticker display on the LCD (BUILD_STATS),

% cat ~/
platforms['franken-board'] = {
	'mcu' : 'atmega2560',
	'programmer' : 'stk500v2',
	'board_directory' : 'mighty_one',
	'defines' : [ 'CORE_XY', 'BUILD_STATS', 'ALTERNATE_UART',
				   'HEATERS_ON_STEROIDS', 'MAX31855' ]

This platform is then built with the command,

% scons platform=franken-board

Multiple platforms can be defined in the file. E.g., the following defines a second board, another-board, which is a Replicator 2 style bot (mighty_two) with many of the same characteristics as the franken-board platform,

% cat ~/
platforms['franken-board'] = {
	'mcu' : 'atmega2560',
	'programmer' : 'stk500v2',
	'board_directory' : 'mighty_one',
	'defines' : [ 'CORE_XY', 'BUILD_STATS', 'ALTERNATE_UART',
				   'HEATERS_ON_STEROIDS', 'MAX31855' ]
platforms['another-board'] = {
	'mcu' : 'atmega1280',
	'programmer' : 'stk500v1',
	'board_directory' : 'mighty_two',
	'defines' : [ 'CORE_XY', 'BUILD_STATS', 'ALTERNATE_UART',

4.0 Credits

This software incorporates code related to acceleration from Marlin:

This software is covered by GNU General Public License v3 and according to Section(7), Subsection (b), additional permissions for author attribution are required on any work that incorporates, is derived or inspired from the following components:

  1. JKN Advance
  2. YAJ (Yet Another Jerk)
  3. Altshell ReplicatorG plugin
  4. Pause @ ZPos
  5. Advance Pressure Relax

Author attribution is required as follows:

  1. If the device this software is executed on has an LCD or display screen attached, credit/attribution must be provided on this screen with at least 1 second duration when and each time the device is powered on.

  2. If the device does not have a display screen attached and the software is distributed in binary form, then credit/attribution is required to be displayed to the user prior to installation of the binary software.

  3. If the software is being supplied in source code form, then any existing credit/attributions must be retained.

  4. If the software is being supplied in source code form, but it is derived or inspired from this source code, then Credit/Attribution below must be provided in the source code near the top of the source file.

  5. The additional permissions listed here are required to be included in their entirety with any license file of any derivative works that use the above features.


This software uses the following components from Jetty Firmware:
authored by Dan Newman and Jetty.


Sailfish, faster than a Marlin






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