- make run
This script was created to minimize your work, automatically opening your email, linkedin, telegram and instagram.
If there is a need to open more windows in a single file within Chrome, just do the same procedure.
This script was made for Google Chrome, if you use another browser, you should make the necessary changes.
YAHOO = https://login.yahoo.com/
LINKEDIN = window.open('https://www.linkedin.com/')
TELEGRAM = window.open('https://web.telegram.org/k/')
INSTAGRAM = window.open('https://www.instagram.com/')
YAHOO_EMAIL = "exemplo@yahoo.com"
LINKEDIN_LOGIN = "exemplo@yahoo.com"
TELEGRAM_PHONE = "4499999999"
LOCAL_COUNTRY = "Brazil" (or wherever)
INSTAGRAM_LOGIN = "meuinsta"
PATH_CHROME = "/home/user/(folder where to save the file)/chromedriver"
- make run
Este script foi criado para estar minimizando o seu trabalho, abrindo automaticamente o seu email, linkedin, telegram e instagram.
Se houver necessidade de abrir mais janelas em um unico arquivo dentro do Chrome, e so realizar o mesmo procedimento.
Este script foi feito para o Google Chrome, caso use outro navegador, devera realizar as mudancas necessarias.
YAHOO = https://login.yahoo.com/
LINKEDIN = window.open('https://www.linkedin.com/')
TELEGRAM = window.open('https://web.telegram.org/k/')
INSTAGRAM = window.open('https://www.instagram.com/')
YAHOO_EMAIL = "exemplo@yahoo.com"
LINKEDIN_LOGIN = "exemplo@yahoo.com"
TELEGRAM_PHONE = "4499999999"
LOCAL_COUNTRY = "Brazil" (or wherever)
INSTAGRAM_LOGIN = "meuinsta"
PATH_CHROME = "/home/user/(pasta onde vai salvar o arquivo)/chromedriver"