RalShop is an eCommerce app developed with MERN stack.
You can be a seller or a customer.
- Manage your products
- Manage your orders and change the status of orders
- Track progress of your shop with 4 different charts
- List all orders and products and filter them
- chat with your customers
- create your profile and start selling
- Shop through over 30 categories
- Search products, brands and categories
- filter the results by rating, price, sub category, brand, seller and color options
- Add products to your wishlist or shopping cart
- Move products between wishlist and shopping cart
- Rate and review the products
- Send Message to seller about product
- Give orders and make Payments With Stripe
- If you want cancel the order, If seller approves you will get refunded
- Track the status of your order
- Customize your profile
- Change Password, Delete Account, Forgot Password Functionality
- See the details of order, view the receipt, details of seller
- See the location of seller and products on map
- Rate the seller
- Create invoice address and delivery address
You can visit UralShop from here
- Mongo
- Express
- ReactJS
- NodeJS
Guney Ural - guneyural@gmail.com