Simple plugin that establishes a session with a WearOs Watch and helps exchange of messages between a hybrid application and its WearOs application and vice-versa.
This plugin uses an .AAR file that is created from here:
If you are using cordova-cli, install with:
cordova plugin add
With ionic:
ionic cordova plugin add
Edit www/js/index.js
and add the following code inside onDeviceReady
// Receiving messages from Watch
var receiveMessageSuccess = function(message) {
// Received a message
var value = JSON.stringify(message);
alert("Received message from Watch : "+value);
var receiveMessageFailure = function() {
alert("Could not receive message from Watch");
// Sending Messages to Watch
var sendMessageSuccess = function() {
alert("Message sent successfully!");
var sendMessageFailure = function() {
alert("Could not send message to Watch.");
// Initialised a Session successfully
var initWatchSuccess = function() {
// Waits for 2secs, it should be enough to initialise things up, find/connect to the watch
window.setTimeout( () => {
// Register to receive messages from the watch
WearOsPlugin.registerMessageListener(receiveMessageSuccess, receiveMessageFailure);
window.setTimeout( () => {
// Sends a message through 'sendMessage' - it 'should be' connected now
var message = {message: "hello from phone", value: "1234", foo: "bar"};
WearOsPlugin.sendMessage(sendMessageSuccess, sendMessageFailure, message);
}, 1250);
}, 2000);
var initWatchFailure = function() {
alert("Could not connect to Watch.");
// Starts things up
WearOsPlugin.init(initWatchSuccess, initWatchFailure);
Step 1: You will need to create a listener:
public class MyMessageListener implements MessageClient.OnMessageReceivedListener {
private static final String TAG = MyMessageListener.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String MESSAGE_PATH = "/cordova/plugin/wearos";
private Context context;
public MyMessageListener(Context context) {
this.context = context;
Log.i(TAG, "constructor");
public void onMessageReceived(MessageEvent messageEvent) {
if(messageEvent != null && MESSAGE_PATH.equals(messageEvent.getPath())){
String message = new String(messageEvent.getData(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
System.out.println("Message received: " + message);
Step 2: You will need to register the listener (prob in the 'main' activity):
protected void listenToMessages(Context context) {
if (this.messageListener == null) {
this.messageListener = new MyMessageListener(context);
Step 3: To send a message from the watch to the phone:
private static final String MESSAGE_PATH = "/cordova/plugin/wearos";
// Assumption is made that the mobile and watch are paired and connected
public void sendMessage(final String messageToSend) {
Log.i(TAG, "sendMessage");
NodeClient nodeClient = Wearable.getNodeClient(context);
Task<List<Node>> connectedNodes = nodeClient.getConnectedNodes();
connectedNodes.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<List<Node>>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<List<Node>> task) {
List<Node> nodes = task.getResult();
for(Node node : nodes) {
sendMessageToNode(node.getId(), messageToSend);
protected void sendMessageToNode(String nodeId, String messageToSend) {
Log.i(TAG, "sendMessageToNode");
byte[] message = new String(messageToSend).getBytes();
Wearable.getMessageClient(context).sendMessage(nodeId, MESSAGE_PATH, message);
Step 4 - add the watch/wearable feature and library to your Android.xml:
<manifest ..shortened_for_brevity>
<uses-feature android:name="" />
<application ..shortened_for_brevity>
android:required="true" />
In case your build fails after installing this plugin;
You will need to also install the following plugins below.
VERY IMPORTANT: Android versionName must match, versionCode must be sequential eg:
mobile app
versionName: "1.6.4"
versionCode: 10604001
wear app
versionName: "1.6.4"
versionCode: 10604002
TODO: The plugin is very simple and short without much error handling, yet functional.
Many thanks to Jetbrains for kindly providing a license for me to work on this and other open-source projects.