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Google Cloud n2‐standard‐8 x SSD Benchmarks (K4 v2.1.6 RocksDB v9.7.4

Alex Gaetano Padula edited this page Nov 11, 2024 · 4 revisions

Running a benchmark kind stress test. I ran the go bench program seen here With the following parameters

go build -o bench bench.go && ./bench -num_ops 10000000 -num_threads 4 -flush_threshold (1024*1024)*512 -compaction_interval 3600

The results for above test on the VM show Screenshot from 2024-11-11 06-12-13

Compaction was not triggered in above bench as it was set to an hour. In my further benchmarks I will do 100 or 200 million operations and set compaction to a less interval so compaction can occur at least once or twice.

I am still benchmarking RocksDB, I'm not too familiar with how I can set it similarly. I'm going to have to read up on this bit.

Example of how RocksDB is being benched, this is the sequential read test, you can see the threshold is set similarly to K4.

#define DB_PATH "testdb"
#define NUM_OPS 10000000

void benchmark_rocksdb(bool no_sync);
void benchmark_lmdb();
void benchmark_k4();

int main() {
    return 0;


void benchmark_rocksdb(bool no_sync) {
    rocksdb_t *db;
    rocksdb_options_t *options = rocksdb_options_create();
    rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1);
    rocksdb_options_set_write_buffer_size(options, 536870912);  // 512 MB
    char *err = NULL;

    db = rocksdb_open(options, DB_PATH, &err);
    if (err != NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening RocksDB: %s\n", err);

    rocksdb_writeoptions_t *write_options = rocksdb_writeoptions_create();
    rocksdb_writeoptions_set_sync(write_options, !no_sync);

    char key[20], value[20];
    clock_t start, end;
    double cpu_time_used;

    // Benchmark Put
    start = clock();
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OPS; i++) {
        sprintf(key, "key%d", i);
        sprintf(value, "value%d", i);
        rocksdb_put(db, write_options, key, strlen(key), value, strlen(value), &err);
    end = clock();
    cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    printf("RocksDB Put: %f seconds\n", cpu_time_used);

    // Benchmark Get
    start = clock();
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OPS; i++) {
        sprintf(key, "key%d", i);
        size_t read_len;
        char *read_value = rocksdb_get(db, rocksdb_readoptions_create(), key, strlen(key), &read_len, &err);
    end = clock();
    cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    printf("RocksDB Get: %f seconds\n", cpu_time_used);

    // Benchmark Delete
    start = clock();
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OPS; i++) {
        sprintf(key, "key%d", i);
        rocksdb_delete(db, write_options, key, strlen(key), &err);
    end = clock();
    cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    printf("RocksDB Delete: %f seconds\n", cpu_time_used);



Above is taking REALLY long. Not sure why.

To add RocksDB isn't utilizing much CPU for these amount of writes. k4rocksdb

Whereas K4 definitely was.