RGB Keyboard Games for Corsair RGB Keyboards
This project started as Whack-a-mole: https://github.com/gweedo767/Keyboard-Whack-A-Mole
I switched it all over to the Corsair CUE SDK now. It should supported all Corsair RGB Keyboards. It has been tested on the K95 and Strafe at this time.
To play, just hit the "Enable" button.
Yellow keys are "Moles". Hit them before they go away. They will spawn faster the longer you go. Red keys on 1-0 are your life. Each missed mole or wrong key hit will decrement that by one. Your score is filled in purple F keys. Each key is worth 10 points.
One key will start blue. The rest will be orange. Clicking a key will turn it and the surrounding keys to their opposite color. You win by getting the whole play field set to one color.