Fork this Repository:
- Navigate to the repository page on GitHub: https://github.com/gymshark/gsauto-test-code-task
- Click on the
button at the top right of the page to create your own copy of the repository.
Clone Your Fork:
- Open your terminal or Git Bash.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the following command (replace this with your username and forked repo, e.g. https://github.com/owynowyn/gsauto-test-code-task):
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-forked-repo.git
Open the Project in IntelliJ:
- Open IntelliJ IDEA.
- Navigate to
File > Open
and select the cloned repository directory.
Follow the Task Instructions Below:
- Complete the tasks as outlined in the instructions below.
Allow up to 90 Minutes for All Three Tasks:
- Ensure you complete all tasks within the allocated time.
Commit and Push Your Changes:
- After completing the tasks, commit and push your changes to your local repository.
Create a Pull Request:
- Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
- Click on the
Compare & pull request
button to submit your changes to the original repository. - Provide a meaningful description of the changes you made and submit the pull request.
- The test with the tag
used to work but has broken. Fix this test so it runs. - Remove the
tag once the test is fixed. - Change the test so the search term is a parameter in the Gherkin scenario.
- Create a new test that takes the following steps:
- Go to Google UK.
- Type in the search term "BBC".
- Click on "I’m Feeling Lucky".
- Verify that the browser has been redirected to a URL containing the search term.
- Ensure this is written with behavioral steps, rather than procedural steps as listed above.
- Improve both tests by creating a Page Object for the Google Homepage.
- Wrap up the wait and Selenium logic into reusable methods.
- Tag both tests to assign the test a “Smoke” test.