This repository is for hosting Nextjs project Cloudfront with Origin Access Identity
Cloudfront with Origin Access Identity(OAI) allows you to hosting static web-site on S3 keep blocking direct access from public
- Nodejs 14.x
- AWS Account and Locally configured AWS credential
Install project dependencies
$ npm i -g cdk@2.50
$ npm i
$ cdk bootstrap
create codecommit repository
$ aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name nextjs-example
clone sample project, in this case we gonna use this repo and push it to Codecommit repository
$ git clone
$ cd nextjs-example
$ git remote set-url origin codecommit::ap-northeast-2://nextjs-example
$ git push origin
if you want to use your own repository, edit Repository
variable at infra/lib/interfaces/config.ts
$ vim lib/interfaces/config.ts
the repository should be Codecommit git repository
$ cdk deploy "*" --require-approval never
After every commit on your NextJs web repository, CodePipeline will build and deploy your CSR app on CloudFront.
$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name NextjsS3DeployDemoInfraStack --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?ExportName=='NextjsS3DeployDemoDistDomainName'].OutputValue" --output text
$ open
destroy provisioned cloud resources
$ cdk destroy "*"