This repository contains all data and analysis necessary to reproduce the results reported in this paper.
The repository contains the following directories-
analysis, with all the analysis scripts to generate the figures present in the paper
- creates the files
- plot_SR_*.py: these scripts read files
and plot the success rates, based on the IL-RMSD, for the different docking protocols. The plots generated areanalysis/figures/SR_*.png
- and they read
and calculate the mean and max improvement obtained after [flexref] - reads
and plots the all-atoms RMSD of the glycans conformations (generated with GLYCAM) with respect to their bound forms (analysis/figures/glycan-rmsd-violin.png
) - plot-mdref-*.py: read
and create the boxplotsanalysis/figures/mdref-*.png
, for short (SL-SB), long linear (LL) and long branched (LB) glycans - plot-scatter-*.py: read
and create the scatter plotsanalysis/figures/scatter-*.png
, for short (SL-SB), long linear (LL) and long branched (LB) glycans
- creates the files
data, with all the data generated in this study
- df_ss_all_data.tsv: for each pdb and each docking scenario, it is reported whether there is (1) or there is not (0) at least one high, medium, acceptable, or near-acceptable model among the top 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 200 models. This is calculated after [rigidbody] sampling (2_caprieval) and on the rigidbody clustered models (5_caprieval) for bound docking. For unbound docking, this is calculated after rigidbody sampling (02_caprieval), on the rigidbody clustered models (06_caprieval), after [flexref] (08_caprieval), and on the flexref clustered models (11_caprieval).
- df_clt_all_data.tsv: for each pdb and each docking scenario, it is reported whether there is (1) or there is not (0) at least one high, medium, acceptable, or near-acceptable model among the best 4 scoring models contained in the top 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 clusters. This is calculated on the rigidbody clustered models (5_caprieval) for bound docking. For unbound docking, this is calculated on the rigidbody clustered models (06_caprieval) and on the flexref clustered models (11_caprieval).
pdb_files. This directory contains subdirectories for each PDB (relative to the protein-glycan complex). In each
subdirectory the following files are available:- 154L_r_b.pdb: protein bound structure
- 154L_l_b.pdb: glycan bound structure
- 154L_r_u.pdb: protein unbound structure
- 154L_l_u.pdb: glycan unbound structure
- 154L_l_ensemble.pdb: glycan ensemble, obtained with [mdref]
- 154L_analysis.pdb: reference structure
- 154L_ti-aa.tbl: AIRs file, ti-aa restraints (true interface on both protein and glycan)
- 154L_tip-ap.tbl: AIRs file, tip-ap restraints (true-interface-protein, glycan fully passive)
cfg_files. It contains subdirectories for each PDB (relative to the protein-glycan complex). In each
subdirectory the following files are available:- bound_default_ti-aa.toml: bound docking, default haddock scoring function, ti-aa AIRs
- bound_vdw_ti-aa.toml: bound docking, vdW haddock scoring function, ti-aa AIRs
- bound_vdw_tip-ap.toml: bound docking, vdW haddock scoring function, tip-ap AIRs
- unbound_vdw_tip-ap_clust.toml: unbound docking, vdW haddock scoring function, tip-ap AIRs
- unbound_ens_vdw_tip-ap_clust.toml: ensemble docking, vdW haddock scoring function, tip-ap AIRs
- mdref-glycans-sf400x16.toml: sampling of glycan conformations using mdref