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VS Code Extensions and Their Uses

This readme file aims to provide CSCI315 - Web Application Development students some useful extensions to enhance the development experience for various programming tasks


Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-06-28

  • Purpose: Pylance is a Microsoft-supported language server for Python in VS Code, providing fast, feature-rich language support.


Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-07-21

  • Purpose: The Python extension offers enhanced support for editing Python code, including debugging, linting, IntelliSense, and more.

Split HTML Attributes

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-11-42

  • Purpose: This extension allows splitting HTML attributes onto multiple lines, improving code readability in HTML files.

TODO Highlight

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-12-16

  • Purpose: TODO Highlight helps to highlight TODO, FIXME, and other annotations within your code, making it easier to identify tasks or areas that require attention.

Material Icon Theme

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-12-31

  • Purpose: Material Icon Theme provides colorful icons for files and folders in the Explorer sidebar, improving visual navigation in your project.

Path Intellisense

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-12-41

  • Purpose: Path Intellisense autocompletes filenames and paths in your code, reducing errors and speeding up development when working with file references.


Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-12-52

  • Purpose: Prettier is a code formatter that automatically formats your code to ensure consistency and readability across your project.

Live Server

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-13-01

  • Purpose: Live Server launches a local development server with live reload capability, making it easy to preview and test web pages as you develop.

Image Preview

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-13-10

  • Purpose: Image Preview allows you to preview images directly in the VS Code editor, facilitating visual inspection and manipulation of image assets.


Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-13-20

  • Purpose: Indent-Rainbow colorizes indentation levels in your code, helping to visualize code blocks and maintain proper indentation.

Color Highlight

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-13-32

  • Purpose: Color Highlight provides inline previews of color values in your code, making it easier to identify and manipulate colors.

CSS Peek

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-13-40

  • Purpose: CSS Peek enables peeking into CSS definitions directly from HTML or JavaScript files, enhancing CSS development workflows.

Dracula Official

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-13-50

  • Purpose: Dracula Official is a popular dark theme for VS Code, providing a stylish and eye-friendly color scheme for coding.

ES7 React/Redux

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-14-00

  • Purpose: ES7 React/Redux provides code snippets and shortcuts for faster development with React and Redux.

ES7 + React/Redux

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-14-26

  • Purpose: This extension extends the ES7 React/Redux extension with additional features and enhancements.

Auto Rename Tag

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-14-40

  • Purpose: Auto Rename Tag automatically renames paired HTML/XML tags, maintaining consistency and reducing manual effort when editing markup.

Better Comments

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-15-06

  • Purpose: Better Comments enhances code comments with different styles and formatting options, improving readability and organization.

Bracket Pair Colorizer

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 14-15-15

  • Purpose: Bracket Pair Colorizer colorizes matching brackets in your code, making it easier to identify and navigate code blocks.


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