Collection of scripts to play with data.
Following prerequisites should be satisfied in order to run successfully the project:
- Python 3.x.
- SQLite
- All dependencies installed.
To install the dependencies, type the following command from the prompt.
$> pip install -r requirements
Follow the instructions from the download page according to your environment.
Exports orders from the JSON format to the CSV and optionally to a SQLite database.
It requires an API key in input:
$> python
usage: [-h] -k KEY [-l LOCALE] [-d] -p PATH -n NUMBER error: the following arguments are required: -k/--key, -p/--path, -n/--number
$> python --help
usage: [-h] -k KEY [-l LOCALE] [-d] -p PATH -n NUMBER
Incrementally exports JSON orders data into CSV format and optionally into a SQLite DB.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY API key to be used to perform the REST request to the backend.
-l LOCALE, --locale LOCALE
Specify the locale: it_IT for italian. Otherwise machine default one.
-d, --db Instruct the tool to load a SQLite database up.
-p PATH, --path PATH Define datastore base path to csv/ and db/ folders (csv/ and db/ folders should be already created).
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
Define how many records each REST call should pull down.
To run it succssfully:
$> python -k <specific_api_key> -k en_EN -d -p <db_path> -n <nr_records_desired>
info: loaded orders...
info: export successul
Exports all orders from the JSON format to the CSV and successively to a SQLite database.
It requires an API key in input:
$> python
usage: [-h] -k KEY [-l LOCALE] -p PATH error: the following arguments are required: -k/--key, -p/--path
$> python --help
usage: [-h] -k KEY [-l LOCALE] -p PATH
Exports all JSON orders data into CSV format and optionally into a SQLite DB.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY API key to be used to perform the REST request to the backend.
-l LOCALE, --locale LOCALE
Specify the locale: it_IT for italian. Otherwise machine default one.
-p PATH, --path PATH Define datastore base path to csv/ and db/ folders (csv/ and db/ folders should be already created).
To run it succssfully:
$> python -k <specific_api_key> -k en_EN -d -p <db_path>
info: loaded orders...
info: CSV export successul 4381 order(s)
warning: 3328 row(s) were duplicated: update was made
info: SQLite loaded successfully with 4381 record(s)
Makes use of the SQLite data to plot a Heatmap which shows the concentration of orders during the day.