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Impose is a simple dependency injection library for Swift


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For enhanced environment management in SwiftUI, we recommend SwiftEnvironment! SwiftEnvironment offers robust features and will be supported in the future.


Impose is a simple dependency injection library for Swift

codebeat badge build test SwiftPM Compatible Version License Platform


  • Swift 5.0 or higher (or 5.3 when using Swift Package Manager)
  • iOS 9.3 or higher (or 10 when using Swift Package Manager)
  • macOS 10.10 or higher
  • tvOS 10 or higher
  • WatchOS 4 or higher



Impose is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Impose', '~> 3.6.0'

Swift Package Manager from XCode

  • Add it using XCode menu File > Swift Package > Add Package Dependency
  • Add as Swift Package URL
  • Set rules at version, with Up to Next Major option and put 3.6.0 as its version
  • Click next and wait

Swift Package Manager from Package.swift

Add as your target dependency in Package.swift

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.6.0"))

Use it in your target as Impose

    name: "MyModule",
    dependencies: ["Impose"]


Nayanda Haberty,


Impose is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Basic Usage

Impose is very easy to use and straightforward, all you need to do is provide some provider for dependency:

Injector.shared.addSingleton(for: Dependency.self, SomeDependency())

and then use it in some of your classes using property wrapper or using global function

class InjectedByPropertyWrapper {
    @Injected var dependency: Dependency

class InjectedByInit {
    var dependency: Dependency
    init(dependency: Dependency = inject(Dependency.self)) {
        self.dependency = dependency

the provider is autoClosure type, so you can do something like this:

Injector.shared.addSingleton(for: Dependency.self) {
    let dependency: SomeDependency = .init()
    return dependency

the provider automatically just creates one instance only from calling closure and reusing the instance, so the closure is only called once. If you want the provider to call closure for every injection, you can use addTransient method:

Injector.shared.addTransient(for: Dependency.self, SomeDependency())

Don't forget that it will throw an uncatchable Error if the provider is not registered yet. If you want to catch the error manually, just use tryInject instead:

class InjectedByInit {
    var dependency: Dependency
    init(dependency: Dependency? = nil) {
        do {
            self.dependency = dependency ?? try tryInject(for: Dependency.self)
        } catch {
            self.dependency = DefaultDependency()

Safe Injection

Sometimes you just don't want your app to be throwing errors just because it's failing in dependency injection. In those cases, just use @SafelyInjected attribute or injectIfProvided function. It will return nil if the injection fails:

class InjectedByPropertyWrapper {
    @SafelyInjected var dependency: Dependency?

class InjectedByInit {
    var dependency: Dependency
    init(dependency: Dependency? = injectIfProvided(for: Dependency.self)) {
        self.dependency = dependency

You can always give closure or auto closure to call if the injection fails:

class InjectedByInit {
    var dependency: Dependency
    init(dependency: Dependency? = inject(Dependency.self, ifFailUse: SomeDependency())) {
        self.dependency = dependency

Singleton Provider

The simplest injection Provider is the Singleton provider. The provider just creates one instance, stores it, and reused the instance, so the closure is only called once. The instance will not be released until the Injector is released. It will be useful for shared instance dependencies:

Injector.shared.addSingleton(for: Dependency.self, SomeDependency())

Transient Provider

Different from Singleton, Transient will not store the dependency at all, it will just recreate the dependency every time it's needed. The closure will be stored strongly tho. It will be useful for services that store nothing:

Injector.shared.addTransient(for: Dependency.self, SomeDependency())

Weak Provider

This provider is a combination of singleton and transient providers. It will store the instance in a weak variable before returning it. Once the stored instance became nil, it will recreate a new instance for the next injection. The closure will be stored strongly tho. It will be useful for dependency that you want to use and share but released when not used anymore:

Injector.shared.addWeakSingleton(for: Dependency.self, SomeDependency())

DispatchQueue for injection

You can pass a DispatchQueue instance to be used when resolving the instance. Like for example, if your dependency should be initialized from main thread, just do it like this:

Injector.shared.addTransient(for: Dependency.self, resolveOn: .main, SomeDependency())

If you pass nothing it will try to resolve the dependency on the DispatchQueue when dependency resolver is injected.


You can define a specific environment for a specific object that will live with that object and become the primary source of dependencies by using the InjectionEnvironment object:

    .inject(for: Dependency.self, SomeDependency())
    .inject(for: AnotherDependency.self, SomeOtherDependency())

In the code above, the myObject Injected propertyWrapper will use the InjectionEnvironment as the primary source of the dependency. It will search in Injector.shared tho if the dependency is not provided by the InjectionEnvironment.

You can transfer the dependency providers from another object InjectionEnvironment to another, so it will use a similar InjectionEnvironment:

InjectionEnvironment.fromObject(myObject, for: someObject)
  .inject(for: SomeOtherDependency.self, SomeDependency())

In the code above, someObject will have a new InjectionEnvironment that contains all of the myObject dependency providers, plus the one added later. It will populate the dependency from myObject Injected propertyWrapper too if it's assigned manually.

class MyObject { 
    @Injected manual: ManualDependency
    init() { 
        // this dependency will be transfered to another InjectionEnvironment created from this object
        manualDependency = MyManualDependency()

Circular Dependency

Injected and SafelyInjected propertyWrapper will resolve dependency lazily, thus it will work even if you have a circular dependency. But it will rise a stack overflow error if you use inject function instead of init since it will resolve the dependency right away. Even tho circular dependency is not recommended, it will be better if you use propertyWrapper instead for injection to avoid this problem.

Multi threading injection

Impose are designed to resolve the dependency atomically. So as long as the dependency is Thread safe, the resolving will be Thread safe.

Multiple Types for one Provider

You can register multiple types for one provider if you need to:

Injector.shared.addSingleton(for: [Dependency.self, OtherDependency.self], SomeDependency())

or for transient:

Injector.shared.addTransient(for: [Dependency.self, OtherDependency.self], SomeDependency())

or even for the environment:

InjectionEnvironment.forObject(myObject).inject(for: [Dependency.self, OtherDependency.self], SomeDependency())

Multiple Injectors

You could have multiple Injector to provide different dependencies for the same type:

Injector.shared.addTransient(for: Dependency.self, Primary())

let secondaryInjector = Injector()
secondaryInjector.addTransient(for: Dependency.self, Secondary())

to use the other injector, switch it:

Injector.switchInjector(to: secondaryInjector)

to switch back is as easy as calling the void method:


Module Provider

If you have a modular project and want the individual module to inject everything manually by itself. You can use ModuleProvider protocol, and use it as a provider in the main module:

// this is in MyModule
class MyModuleInjector: ModuleProvider {

    func provide(for injector: Injector) {
        injector.addSingleton(for: Dependency.self, SomeDependency())

then let's say in your AppDelegate:

import Impose
import MyModule

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(
            _ application: UIApplication,
            didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // do something
        return true
    func provideDependencies() {
        Injector.shared.provide(using: MyModuleInjector())

It will call provide(using:) with the given Injector. You can add as many ModuleProvider as you need, but if the Module provides the same Dependency for the same type of resolver, it will override the previous one with the new one.


If you want to do a unit test and need some dependencies to be mocked, you can skip the injection in the test preparation and implement AutoInjectMock on your mock object like this:

class MyServiceMock: MyServiceProtocol, AutoInjectMock { 
    static var registeredTypes: [Any.Type] = [MyServiceProtocol.self]

Then in your unit test, you can use it like this:

serviceMock = MyServiceMock().injected()

// or

serviceMock = MyServiceMock().injected(using: customInjector)

Don't forget, you should use a class instance for this to work because the injected instance will be different if you are using struct because of its nature.


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