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Linkfuture boot

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An simple way to boot express.


  • nodejs 8.0 +
  • npm 5.0 +

How to use it

const $consign = require('consign');
const $path = require('path');
//use lf boot
const $meta = {
    root:[optional,default is application root],
    resourceroot:[optional,default is under /<root>/src/resource/],
    webroot:[optional,default is under /<root>/src/webapp/],
const $lf_boot =require("@linkfuture/boot")($meta)
const $lf_boot_web =require("@linkfuture/boot").web({beforeSetup:beforeSetupFun,afterSetup:afterSetupFun});

//beforeSetupFun, useful for connect-history-api-fallback
const app = $;
//setup view engine 
app.set('views', $path.join(__dirname, './views'));
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

/*auto scan routers, binding all pages and apis by using consign*/

//forward all requests to external service you configed at $lf.$config.config.service
//option = {beforeForward(apiPath, configName, option, req),afterForward(apiPath, configName, option, req)} 

//boot application

//for Mocha unit test only
module.exports = app;

How to run build

    "build": "node -e \"require('@linkfuture/boot')().build().build(['js','css'],false)\"",  //default compress is true, you can set false 
    "build SQL": "node -e \"require('@linkfuture/boot')().build().build(['sql'])\"",

Global object

After init linkfuture-boot, you can use below global object directly, no need require("")

//Boot only
$lf._               //call lodash directly, 
$lf.$m              //call moment directly, 
$lf.$config.config  //read config file
$lf.$util           //utility method
$lf.$request        //promise request with retry
$lf.$cache          //store value into redis or static
$lf.$logger.silly   //write log by using winston 
$lf.$repository     //generate async function as repository base on configuration node "service", set serviceToRepository = false to off that feature
                    //example: $lf.$repository.test.h400({qs:{a:1,b:2}})
//Web Boot only
$lf.$auth           //auth model
$lf.$siteInfo       //get basic site information
$lf.$md             //an middleware to specific auth required or is it api response and setup cache time, 

How to use middleware module for auth and cache

app.get("/admin/",$ lf.$md(
            min:0, // cache time in min
            key: function (req) { //optional, cache key, required redis setup,default value is following
                return `${req.method}_${req.getUrl}`;
            api:false, //specific response type, JSON API or page, default is page
            auth:true, //is this page behind the authenciation or not, default is false
            roles:["admin"]  //array type, which role can access this page, required set auth=true,and req.user.roles = []
           res.send("Hello world");


  • config file can either JS or JSON format
  • must under resource root folder. default resource root folder is under //src/resource/
  • it will always read and merge two config files. config.json and config..json.
  //Optional, default value is base on NODE_ENV!='prod'
  "debug": true,
  "env":"${NODE_ENV}" //node env variable support, by using ${*}
  //Optional for static, default value is following
  "static": {
    "jsHttp": "/static/js/",
    "cssHttp": "/static/css/",
    * Optional,all configuration is same with request npm,
    * but add following options
    *    apiForward:for disable auto api forward, default is true
    *    apiMethod: overwrite default api method, default is request method
    *    apiPath: overwrite default api path, default is /{base API Url}/test/r200
    *    repository: default is true, for disable auto repository
    * */
            "baseUrl": "",
                "url": "400",
                "method": "get",
                "json": true,
                "apiPath":"my-path",   //this api path is /{base API Url}/my-path, overwrite default path /{base API Url}/test/h400
                "url": "200",
                "method": "get",
                "json": true,
  "serviceToRepository":true, //default is true
    //if you want to use redis, then need following node
    "redis": {
      "options": {
        "url": "redis://[redis URL]:6379",
        "disable_resubscribing": true
      "prefix": "__LF.NODE__"
    "method": "redis" //redis or local,default is local
      "login": "/login",  //optional
      "info": "/info",  //optional
      "logout": "/logout", //optional
      "loginSuccessURL": "/", //optional
      "logoutSuccessURL": "/", //optional
      "cookieOptions":{       //optional
        "httpOnly": true,
        "cookieAge": 7200000, // 2hr no need, as JWT will expired
        "secure": false, //true if url is https, otherwise false
        "expires": 0 //browser session only cookie
      //use jwt to encrypt the cookie base token
      "jwt": {
        "secret": {
          "public": "./test/resource/public.key",
          "private": "./test/resource/private.key"
        "options": {
          "expiresIn": "2h",
          "header": {
            "author": "LF"
          "subject": "@LinkFuture/Boot",
          "audience": "browser",
          "algorithm": "RS256",
          "issuer": "LINK FUTURE LLC"
      "event":{ //optional
          "onLoginSuccess":function (res, user) {
          "onLogoutSuccess":function (res, user) {
     "method": "form",   //form or auth0 or null
     "auth0": {  //need append this if use auth0 as auth
        "clientID": "[auth0 clientID]",
        "domain": "[auth0 domain]",
        "clientSecret": "[auth0 clientSecret]",
        "responseType": "code",
        "scope": "openid profile",
        "audience": "[auth0 audience]",
        "callbackURL": "/callback"
  "mappings": [
    {"pattern": "/admin/*", "auth":true, "roles": ["ETA Dashboard"], "method": ["GET", "POST"]},
    {"pattern": "/api/db", "api":false,"auth":true},
    {"pattern": "/api/login", "api":true,"auth":false},
    {"pattern": "/api/*", "api":true,"auth":true,"min":10, "roles": ["ETA Dashboard"]}
    "frameguard": false
  //Optional for logger, default value is following
  //Optional for api/config, default value is following
   ,"password":"[admin password]"
  //Optional for api/config, default value is following
  //Optional for retry
    "retries": 3,
    "minTimeout": 1000,
    "maxTimeout": 3000,
    "randomize": true
  //Optional for request
      "timeout": 15000,
   //Optional, url proxy, forward request to target url.
       "headers":{}, //optional
       "query":{}, //optional
       "body":{} //optional
   //single application history mode
   //reference connect-history-api-fallback for configuration detail
        "disableDotRule": false,
        "verbose": false,
        "htmlAcceptHeaders": ["text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"]

How to read config

//read config by default NODE_ENV
//read config by pass env
const $config = $lf.$config.readEnvConfig('prod', $meta);


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