Refactored/cleaned up PenguinBot.ino file (kept other files almost unchanged), in order to:
Decrease ROM occupation from 22654 bytes (70%) to 19484 bytes (60%),
Decrease globals usage from 1614 bytes (78%) to 1330 bytes (64%),
Decrease lines of code from 1160 to 1136,
Keep most of features unchanged,
Remove useless parts (e.g. uncalled functions, unused globals),
Try and make code clearer (use english everywhere),
Try and make code cleaner (use homogeneous naming rules),
Try and make code easier to sustain/modify, by factorizing things, (e.g. by removing disparate calls to servoAttach()/servoDetach(), which might break the Bot's runtime, when moving some code around),
Add voice MP3s announcing mode changes, commands, etc. to help understand current state.
- Started from so-called version 1.0.2018.11.07, from Eleogoo website,
- Don't forget to copy MP3s from MusicFiles directory to the Bot's micro SD.